Kaalvakra's Death

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"Bua, now you're out of stories!" Shatanik chuckled as he layed his head on Dhriti's lap.

"Shatanik, its almost been like four months that I am telling you a story on daily basis.
Obviously I'll run out of them." Dhriti chuckled.

"Haan, its been four months, we didn't even realize.
Bua, don't you mis Dwarka?" Shatanik dreamed.

"Ofcourse I miss Dwarka putra. Each and everything there." Dhriti closed her eyes. For her, each and everything in Dwarka was Kanha and Kanha only.

"But don't go please.
Me and Bharat Prativindhya, and also Sutasom have got used to your presence here." He smiled.

"Hm... But I have promised Kanha to be at Dwarka soon. What about that?" Dhriti grinned.

"No! No! You're not going anywhere. I'm not letting you go." He frowned.

"Okay okay, I'm here right now isn't it? And now stop screaming otherwise you'll wake someone up. Its so late and we both are awake." Dhriti silenced him, as he sheepishly widened his smile.

"I won't go to bed before you tell me a story." He shook his head.

"You're like your father." Dhriti stated.

"Handsome and brave?" He elated.

A dumbo!" She giggled, pinching his nose.

"Yeah, about the story. A few weeks ago I saw a beautiful flower on the outskirts of our palace near the river, something like I've never seen before. So beautiful and charming. Tomorrow, I'll go there and closely have a look at it. And then.....I'll tell you about the flower.
Now go and sleep. Good night." She completed, closing her eyes.

"What? Flowers! Boys are not Interested in stories of flowers." He woke her up.

"Hm.... You don't know about Brihannala, loaded with flower malas." She controled her certainly uncontrollable laughter.

"Now who's this Brihannala?" He asked.

"I'll reveal this when Bhrata Arjun is with us.
Shatanik, enough now , or I'll myself fix you in you bed." Dhriti spoke, once again closing her eyes.

"I'll sleep here for today. Pitashree has asked me to protect you." He smiled snuggling in her arms.

"Shatanik you're three." Dhriti reminded.

"Good night warrior." He chuckled.


"Me and Sahadev are going to the main city for some work." Bheem smiled, as he informed Kunti.

"To bring their favourite food!" Prativindhya whispered to Draupadi and Dhriti.

"I am going for a ride. A blissful day for a perfect outing. Anyone joining?" Nakul stated.

"We have work, unlike you Arya." Draupadi spoke.

"Panchali, this was a good chance to come with me as I was alone. But I understand busy lady, bye everyone." He faked a disappointment, leaving the hall.

"Your 'Handsome and Brave father' just got rejected." Dhriti looked at Shatanik, mimicking his words from last night.

"What are the two of you giggling about?" Panchali raised her brow.

"Telling him the wonders of his father.
Also, teaching him ways to deal with rejection. In case you know....." Dhriti grinned.

"He's just 3 years old! Dhriti." Panchali reminded, half laughing.

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