Kanyadan and Saptapadi Mangalphere

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"Pitashree.... " Dhriti's mind kept repeating his name as Pandu appeared.

"Don't worry Putri, you should trust Shakuni's grave tactics and Bhrata Dhritarashtra's vanity. Shakuni will keep trying to bring a hindrance in your life. Right now he's trying to do the same." Pandu assured standing behind her as a smile appeared on Kanha's face.

"Pranam  Kakashree." He smiled looking  behind.

"Krishn, I'm glad my daughter is blessed with a husband like you. As a father, what is more blissful hand giving his daughter's hand to someone who would love and respect her dearly. Promise me that both of you would stay happy with each other." Pandu leaned down, blessing Kanha.

"I promise you Kakashree. Your daughter, is a part of me. I'm incomplete without her." Kanha smiled back.

"Bhanje! This is the right time. A perfect time to put a barrier in this smooth wedding." Shakuni whispered.

"Mamashree! Spare this day for Lord's sake. Its her wedding, and there are so many other royal families. What will they think?" Karna sternly replied.

"Karma never waits for anyone Angraj. And I don't fear the presence of any royal family. My only purpose if to take the revenge of each and every move of these Kunti's children." Shakuni said looking back.

"What do we have to do Mamashree?" Dushasan asksed.

"You don't have to do anything dear bhanje, you just have to stand here and watch the chaos created by my games." Shakuni said as he approached Dhritarashtra.

"Why are you walking there Maharaj?" Shakuni whispered to Dhritarashtra.

"To do Dhriti's Kanyadan Gandhar Raj. What kind of question is this." Dhritarashtra said.

"That's what jijashree that's what? Why are YOU going there?" Shakuni tried to explain.

"Gandhar Raj, Pandu is not among us to do his daughter's Kanyadan and Var Pooja and the wedding rituals can't be proceeded without completion of these." Dhritarashtra spoke.

"Yeah. Yeah you can go and do the rituals instead of Maharaj Pandu. Afterall, you consider her as you daughter........ But don't forget! You still have to consider her as your daughter and her siblings as you sons when it comes to their rights over Hastinapur. Then if your 'daughter' asks for her and her brothers'share in the kingdom, you have to give it to them.
So think about it. 6 of them, all have their respective rights on Hastinapur. Then what will be left in my Bhanje Duryodhan's share?" Shakuni said with an evil smirk on his face putting Dhritarashtra in thoughts.

"You're right Gandhar Naresh. In all this, I forgot about my own sons. No! This can't be. My Duryodhan has a right over all this." Dhritarashtra said as he walked forwards to announce.

"Everyone present here. I would like to announce that, I would not be performing the rituals of Kanyadan and Var Pooja. I've done it once during my Putri Dushala's wedding and I can't handle the intense feeling of separation of a daughter once again." Dhritarashtra said as everyone started looking at each other in shock.

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