A Day Before the Swayamwar

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"Putri! Now it's time of all of us to take a leave

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"Putri! Now it's time of all of us to take a leave." Kunti smiled at Hidimba.

"Yes Hidimba, almost every local in Kamayaka knows about our real identities and that's not safe until we make a decision to return back to Hastinapur." Yudhishthir said.

"I understand Mai and Jyesht Shree, but before going, I want Vikrodhar to bless Ghatotkach by applying a tilak from his blood on his forehead." Hidimba smiled as Dhriti placed the little Ghatotkach in front of the murti of Kamayaka's Kuldevi.

Bheem smiled as he proudly slit his thumb and applied the tilak on his little son's forehead.

Soon enough, bright light, coming from the idol itself started surrounding Ghatotkach and he slowly transformed into a tall, strong young man with a gentle smile on his face while everyone except Hidimba and Dhriti were stunned.

"Now I know why Kanha made me feed you that Tulsi leaf." Dhriti smiled as she fondly looked at her nephew.

Ghatotkach touched his parent's feet as the three of them hugged each other.

"Putra, She is your Pitamahi." Bheem smiled as he introduced him to Kunti.

"He is your Tatshree and all others your Kakashree." Bheem said pointing towards Yudhishthir and others.

"And she is my Bua." Ghatotkach completed him as he walked towards them to seek their blessings.

Hidimba emotionally hugged Dhriti as they all were about to depart.

"Now I'll be wandering around the lake all alone Dhriti." Hidimba sadly smiled.

"No Bhabhi.. That place is special to me. You'll always find my presence there." Dhriti assured.

"But Pitashree, after leaving Kamayaka, where will all of you take a shelter at?" Ghatotkach asked in worry.

"Kampilya." Dhriti beamed knowing that's the nearest place and also Kanha is at Kampilya right now.

"Yes. That would be a safe place. Also its not far away from Kamayaka. I'll pray Devi Mata for you all to have a safe journey." Hidimba smiled as all of them left this mystique and elusive kingdom with memories.

*At the same time, Kampilya.*

"Draupadi? Now where is this girl!" Dhrishtadyumn said while glancing in her room only to find no one.

"Dau, have you seen her. She's no where in the palace." He enquired.

"Don't worry, I'll go find where she is." Kanha smiled as he exited knowing where is Sakhi would be.

"What is this bride-to-be doing along side the pond instead of spending her time inside her home before getting married? " Kanha smiled at Draupadi curiously looking towards the pond.

"Govind look! Isn't this peculiar! I had never seen soo many lotuses in Panchal anytime before. " Draupadi's eyes twinkled as Kanha picked one of them.

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