The Virtue Of Forgivness

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The shadows forming down from the midday sun bequeathed the path touched by the chariot of the Yadavs with a dappled hue

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The shadows forming down from the midday sun bequeathed the path touched by the chariot of the Yadavs with a dappled hue. The hue that changed in the warm summer breeze together with the bright patches which made a pattern, worthy of grabbing Dhriti's intense attention towards itself.

"More than often, shadows are messengers for whom the sun shines upon." Kanha said quiet inaudibly, leaning more on his Queen's side.

"Well, reckoning my melancholy, the sun is definitely not shining upon me." Dhriti glanced up at shade covering their chariot and then quickly gazed back at her husband's soft lotus eyes only to share a nonchalant chuckle.

"That's the present. I can forsee the sun touching down the horizon to shine upon you. Although your semblance can outshine hundreds of suns, I know your heart and mind are tugging your soul at two different ends." He took her hand in his, to let in all the reassurance he knew she needed.

Dhriti knew what and whom Kanha was talking about and she very well knew she would always repeat the same pattern of chuckling it off with a smile as if that could mend everything. But this time, her silence had filled her mind like a fine tailor, weaving her scattered silken thought into a piece.

"I can sense this seemingly endless cycle of floating between moving on and holding back, coming to an end. I know Kanha, today is not a day to put up my grim stance towards my family, but today isn't the day to try and forget what happened right here, in their very presence, either!" Dhriti sharply exhaled, the mere mention of the event shaking her breath even further.

"I never asked you to forget what happened. The soul is eternal and some aspects are engraved on it in to stay by our side forever.
But there's a difference between recalling what happened and deciding how you will continue feeling about it. And when it comes to you, besides remembering the catastrophe, you more vividly retrospect how the people you loved the most, failed you." Kanha replied, side glancing at her changing countenance.

His lips softly upturned in a light fleer as Dhriti's now captivatingly restless eyes fully turned themselves towards him for an answer.

"Human beings are complex characters. In their introspection, forgiving someone or not depends on their very essential nature and circumstances.
But you Priya, you aren't a mere human. Your form is transcendental. You are the potency of the cosmic upholder." Kanha began, earnestly looking right into Dhriti's eyes as the latter gave in all her scrutiny to him.

"Your preeminent nature is extremely forgiving. You're compassionate, all-loving, merciful and humane. Your lotus feet are the cleanser of all kinds of sins and misdeeds for those who seek your refugee. All sinful karmas are exonerated by your presence." Kanha spoke further, directing his words to events that had occurred.

"I know Kanha, compassion is not just my nature but a very part of myself. But whatever happened in Indraprasth, seemed like the capper of my flaut for which I got chastised. In such a situation, the question of me forgiving anyone does not arise at all." Dhriti followed after a long pause, as she let herself get absorbed into what Kanha stated.

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