Love and Devotion Above All

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A trail of sweet sounds of alluring jewelry, kinkling against each other, mildly echoed through the palace hallways as Dhriti took her short journey through solitude, at times lightly nodding at the soldiers bowing down to her in respect.

Peeping deeper insider her own thoughts, the ethereal smile on her face slowly faded as a daasi traced her back into reality, ending her amble.

"Maharani! Rajmata Kunti wishes to see you." She informed as Dhriti zoned in, realizing that Kunti had stayed behind to keep Subhadra at ease, during and even after her marriage.
A small smile reappeared on her face as she thought how everyone's delusional assumptions were about to change in a few hours.

"Dhriti, putri what is Subhadra talking about?
The marriage is against her will, and-and she and Arjun have promised their love for each other?" Kunti turned towards Dhriti.

"Hm...." Dhriti just nodded, giving a small assuring look at Subhadra.

"What are you nodding for Dhriti?
One wrong descision would turn around and tangle the relations between Hastinapur and Dwarka." Kunti quickly uttered with teary eyes.

"Is my entire life just framed for the sake of political purposes?" Subhadra had it enough as she sobbed, finally letting everything out as Dhriti sadly shrugged, wiping Kunti's tears.

"I'll be at the mandap with everyone else.
Don't do anything that will put Subhadra and others in trouble, your Mata has seen a lot and now she has no strength left for more chaos." Kunti carassed her.

"No Pritha, your daughter won't put anyone else in trouble, but herself.
And still, Mahadev, still everyone is bothered about themselves." Gauri agitatedly walked towards Mahadev.

"Don't worry Mata, I won't let more chaos cross anyone's path." Dhriti assured looking at Kunti taking a leave.

"What about my heart Bhabhishree?
You assured to clear their ways, what about mine?" Subhadra tightly held Dhriti's hands.

"Dau himself opposed and resented the descion of Yuvraj Duryodhan when he wanted you to marry someone else for the sake of a marriage alliance. Then what about me? Why can't I choose my own groom like you, Bhabhi?" Subhadra questioned, sitting in front of the mirror as she looked at Dhriti's reflection, doing her shringar.

"I-I don't know how and why everyone refers to my fate and everything ends up on me, but that's alright." A lone tear escaped Dhriti eyes as she smiled, hiding it.

"Look dear, I've assured you long back. Nothing will go against your wishes." A small smile still persistent on Dhriti's face.

"But how?" She turned around, once again sobbing in her arms.

"Patience Subhadra, Patience.
Princesses don't get distracted so easily." Dhriti embraced her.

"What patience Bhabhi? Destiny is playing games with me, messing with me." She looked around.

"One thing you must be sure about Bhabhi, if I'm married to Yuvraj Duryodhan, I would renounce my soul. My lifeless corpse would be the only thing going to Hastinapur." Subhadra took a deep breath.

"Subhadrae!" Dhriti sharply exclaimed, pointing out how she didn't like her sister-in-law being helpless.

"How do one renounce their soul, Maa?" Subhadra and the other daasis silently gasped, turning their attention towards Vaishnavi's innocent yet intense question as Dhriti mentally face palmed herself.

"Why lord? Why me?" She internally giggled before sweelty smiling at Vaishu.

"Do you mean how to 'pronounce' their soul?" Dhriti asked, knowing there is no better way to deal with this other than being a child herself.

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