⭒Thirty Eight⭒

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"Bye Vay, i'll miss you bebe" Avani pouted as she hugged Vada even tighter, who squeezed her back just as tight.

"Me too" she sniffed, finally pulling away as Anthony patted her back.

"Your flight will set off without you? If you're not careful" he pointed out, earning nods from the group.

Vada finally let go of her, walking backwards and towards Jaden. He had told the group that his parents wanted to see him after everything that happened, so he'd be flying to Tennessee and they'd get planes back around the same time, it wasn't the best lie but the group believed it; helped by Anthony and Avani backing them up.

"Bye guys, i'll miss you" she shouted as she walked back even further, Jaden followed, waving at them.

Eventually they got through security, their suitcases checked in and food for the plane bought, leaving them about half an hour to wait for the plane.

Admittedly, Vada was terrified. She had spent most of her life being scared of her every move and how her father would critique her for it, therefore finally escaping to LA was a breath of fresh air. Vada had promised herself she'd never put herself back in that situation, now here she was...putting herself back into that situation.

"Hey" Jaden cooed, taking her hand in his own softly, "it'll be okay, don't worry"

"I'm not, it's just..." she paused, not really knowing what she was feeling, she wasn't worried: it'd be stupid of her to worry about her own family, but she wasn't exactly content with the house she was returning too.

Growing up Vada loved her family: her mother was, what some would call, a 'hippie' and her father was the same, both brought up around the anti-war movements and with free loving parents, therefore them bringing Vada up the same way made sense.

Her mother, Luna, allowed Vada to do pretty much anything, believing that she'd grow her own mind from this. She allowed the girl to pick her own outfits from an early age, possibly leading to the girls unique style, and would braid her hair like a princess. She'd teach Vada to make bread and grow her own vegetables, making picnics weekly for their small family.

And at some point in Vadas life she remembered her father, Dylan an Irish man, being like a harmony to her mothers actions. He had long hair and wore earthly colors, worked to raise money for charity and played the guitar to them on a night, under the stars. He would read her books by the fireplace and sit with her as her mother made hot chocolate on the stove, however that changed by the time Vada reached the age of eleven.

At such a young age Vada didn't quite understand the tragedy of her mothers death, a life taken too soon by the monster known as cancer.

It hit Vada like a ton of bricks, to her it seemed so sudden. Thinking back about it, her father did the right thing. He didn't allow Vada to see Luna, wanting her last memories of her mother to be loving images of the blond haired women running bare foot through the garden instead of trapped in a hospital bed, tubes keeping her alive with sunken eyes and hair loss.

As an eleven year old Vada was confused; all in a year her mother had disappeared, they had moved from a small homely cottage to a larger one where a new women, who insisted she was called 'mom', lived and her father had cut his hair and started wearing suits, papers sat in front of him on a night instead of a guitar.

Life changed so suddenly for the young girl.

"I know" Jaden replied, wrapping his arm around her and sighing, "it's difficult to explain, yeah?"

She let out a chuckle, leaning her head again his shoulder.

"Jae..." she starter, hearing him hum, "he means nothing to me" she felt Jaden shift, looking at the top of her head.


"Ryan doesn't mean anything to me, anymore" she continued staring at the floor.

"Okay" she said simply, kissing her head, "I believe you"

"Vada!" A shrill voice shouted as the two teens exited to airport.

She looked up, seeing her step-mother, Lilian, walking towards her with open arms.

Lilian had bleached blond hair with obvious extensions in, her eyebrows were a dark brown and her eyelashes were clearly fake. Her teeth were crooked but white, and she had clearly received a boob job for Christmas. In short, she was everything Vadas mother was not; fake.

Luna had a natural beauty to her, something Dylan had told Vada she'd inherited, whereas Lilians whole body was from a bottle.

"There you are, baby" she called again, her voice always loud, pulling Vada in for a hug, before turning to Jaden, "and who is this?" She raised an arched eyebrow in a 'seductive' way.

"This is Jaden, my..." she paused, looking up at Jaden, who looked down at her with the same awkward face.

"...Friend" she finished, looking at Lilian again.

"Well, your dad will love him" she snorted a laugh, making Vada wince, "come along then"

She dragged the two teens outside and towards a, seemingly new, car. Getting in without helping with their luggage.

It would be a long two days.

Sorry this is like a filler chapter kinda idek but ye
1k votes thank you dudes :)

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