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"you son of a bitch."he spat and caught a fistful of his hair dragging him.

"Let me go dad." The boy cried holding his father's arm.he turned to deaf ear of the pleading of the boy and draging him towards a room.

The boy was horrified when he realized what his father was about to do he slapped him hard making the boy fall to the floor .

He walked to the locked it,he walked towards the whimpering child whiles removing his belt,the boy that there was no way for escape ,he screamed in agaony.

"Please dad , please dad am sorry." He cried,the man continue whipping the boy with his belt without the ounce of pity of remorse.

"You just a sick wickly little brat,you have no opinion on what I decide to do with your mother,do u understand."he barked like wolf.The boy only shook his head

The man got angry and plugged a n iron to flaming hot,he pressed the iron on boy's back and he screamed.

"Words my son,do I make my self clear."he spoke laughing,the boy cried and screamed

He  woke up with a jerk and sweart beads were forming on his face,he took a glass of water and gulp it down before going down for his morning jogging.

He came from his jogging had his bath ,got dressed and came down for breakfast.

"Good morning everyone."he greeted his dramatic family before sitting.

"Arnav how are you doing."his di asked before munching on a bread.

"Good,am done am going to the office." He rose up and left.

"Hello hi bye bye, what's wrong with arnav today and his mood." She said

Everyone shrugged before going back to what they were doing,he drove to his office and Parkes SUV  before exiting to his office,he passed the receptionist who greeted him he just nod and went and took his private elevator.

He entered his office, loosened his tie and started working.

Arnav's pov

I still can't get rid of those nightmares haunting my every sleep,I have been to different therapist and still the value is the same.

My family have no idea what's going on, after going through alot through my childhood I still cannot open up about it.

My sister Anjali have no idea what's going on with me,she wasn't present when my life turned upside down during my childhood.

I was glad I was able fight, study and build my empire. I have kept my self hidden from the media,they only know me as ruthless business man Arnav Singh Raizada.

My chained of taught were broken when heart knock.

"Come." Aman came in with some files.

"Morning ASR ." "Morning." He kept some files down on my desk.

"This needs your signature on it." He said smiling.

"Do I have any schedule for the day." I asked him picking my pen and  started signing on those documents.

He seems to hesitate to tell me something

"Aman speak I don't have all day."I spoke low and made sure my voice was in a warning tone.

"You have an appointment with  Mr Sharma at 11:30 am and ....he didn't finish the last statement,he was debating on telling me .

"AMAN MATHUR! I don't pay you to shutter around so speak." He was slightly shivering.
It's his fault that I shouted at him,I signaled my hand for him to speak up.

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