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Khushi and arnav froze, they didn't know what to do. Arnav pulled out first and khushi was speechless.

"Khushi am really sorry, it was an accidental kiss I was only giving you a peg on your cheeks." Arnav defended himself.

"Mmmm." Khushi murmured, she was  embarrassed.

"Khushi please look at me." He used his finger to lift her chin ,she shyly stared at his eyes.

"Aww khushi your cheeks are becoming red ." When he said that khushi glared at him she turn her back on him and closed her eyes.

"Khushi am sorry." He didn't want to laugh, she didn't bother to look at him.

Arnav wrapped his arms around her waist and she stiffened, he ignored her and kept his head on her back and closed his eyes and slept. She eventually slept as well.

Next day

Khushi was avoiding Arnav the Least chance she gets, today is a weekend so the family are all seated in the hall with the exception of shyam.

"Baby come sit with me." Arnav said loudly towards khushi making everyone gasped.

"Baby ? But khushi isn't a baby." Nani said making aarav laughed.

"Nani he meant his baby how did you call Grandpa when you were young." Aarav said looking into Nani's eyes and she gaped.

"Shameless Arnav but Aarav were did you learn that from you are still a kid." Nani said pulling his ears.

"Ounch Nani I use to watch movies with my neighbors kids when that woman left me for a month to travel, I always see them kissing, there's no big deal about that." He said shrugging.

"Hello hi bye bye." Manorma gape.

Khushi and Arnav were staring at their son.

"Arnav Sir some lady is here to see you." Hariprikash announced

"A lady? " Arnav was a little surprised.

"Who could that be." Khushi asked him and shrugged his shoulders.

"Let her in ." Arnav said and Hariprikash nooded.

"You let anyone into the mansion without caring wether the person is harmful or not." Anjali spoke for the first time in ages😂.

"So what! It's my house and I would allow anyone in if you don't like it then you can go live with your in-laws." Arnav said nonchantly.

Anjali shut her mouth and Nani sighed.

"Arnav sir she's here." Hariprikash said Arnav raised his head and was surprised.

He got up and walked towards her, he hugged her before smiling.

"Divya, I miss you so much? Why didn't you come to my wedding? I have even forgotten am angry with you." Arnav said carefree.

"Oh my boy am so sorry I wasn't able to come to your wedding family matters and where is your dear wife." Divya asked.

"There she is." Arnav pointed to khushi. Khushi rose up and walked towards her.

"Namaske am khushi." Khushi greeted, Mrs Divya crashed her in a hug .

"Oh dear hope my boy isn't troubling you." Mrs Divya was laughing and arnav playful glared.

"No he isn't." Khushi smiled.

"This Mrs Divya she is like a mother figure to me in the office." Arnav said to khushi.

"Oh I forgot this is my family, my son aarav." Arnav said

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