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Khushi fainted and arnav called the doctor. They tried their possible best to wake her up but she didn't.

Few minutes time the doctor arrived and checked khushi. After which he spoke.

"She it's alright but she has to be careful during her condition." The doctor spoke and family was surprised. Bhabaji and his lawyer where observers.

"What do you mean by that?" Arnav asked the doctor.

"Your wife it's pregnant Mr Raizada, I think she doesn't know it. Please take care of her health and let her visit  the hospital on Monday." He said and Left.

"Ohh Arnav it's going to be a father." Akash teased and Arnav became red, this was the first time the family saw him blushed.

"Hello hi bye bye arnav blushing." Mami said and everyone giggled.

"I hope we are not forgotten here." Bhabaji said and everyone attention went to him.

"I still can't believe you are alive bhabaji, how in the world?" Arnav asked confused.

"I forged my death to teach them a lesson." Bhabaji said, they all got seated.

"How? you mean everything the properties everything was a show." Arnav asked and he nodded.

"You all are curious. Madhumati and Arya came to me telling me that khushi had become a prostitute." He said and everyone gasped.

"Yes, and she has a trapped a rich man and married him and it happened to be payal's husband elder brother, that khushi brainwashed her husband Akash and slept with him, she told him lies and payal was thrown out of the house, they said she was ungrateful." He continued everyone was shocked.

"At that time I knew they where both lying, they had no idea I have spies who took care of everything, I wanted to intervere in Khushi's life but she was fighter and I liked her spirits, I looked at her in distance. I knew they spent the money I gave for her tuition and turned her against me but I kept mum. I pretended to get shock and held my chest and fell they called my servants and they took me to my hospital. I told the doctor's what they needed to do, I pretended I was in coma and they always talk endlessly about me dieing and them taking all my properties because now despise khushi. I made my doctor's tell them am dead and it was due to the shock, they where Happy that I died." He narrated.

"What an evil people, that it's why you made up everything." Nani asked and bhabaji nodded.

"Yes that's why, I thought they would learn sense but payal stupidly asked for properties from Akash, they Squandered the money she stole from Akash and when it was finished they came to me. I had thought loosing the case would make them learn sense but payal went into the Lions den." He said.

"Lions den?" Akash asked and prito smiled.

"Yes the lawyer that helped her she slept with him and then he offered her a job to lure his step brother and finds stuff about him so he would be sent to jail, blinded by money she did that and the man knew her motives but shut up, his cousin kidnapped payal thinking she was his weakness, he killed his cousin and killed payal brutally,she was shot both thighs and shoulders he tortured her and then killed her on her forehead." He said and khushi gasped.

She woke up long time and listened to their conversation.

"Khushi, you awake." Arnav said and she nodded.

"And who was that person?" Arnav asked.

"Don Raveer! He it's the most dangerous mafia in Kolkata, if you see him gently and kind, he doesn't kill innocent people but he kills traitors and his enemies with no mercy, ruthless killer, he disposed the body to Arya and when she saw it she went mad, that night I told my undercover not to allow her leave the house but Arya went out in search of her daughter because she was alive, she was hit by a car and you know that night a storm occurred and carried her body, she died and madhumati recently was convicted with murder, child trafficking, human trafficking and killing of her husband which I know was your doing Arnav." Bhabaji said.

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