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Next morning

When everyone was at the breakfast table, arnav was the missing person, Anjali was impatient.

"Where is arnav." Anjali asked curious.

"Am here." Arnav announced going towards the dinning area.

He sat down and smiled,he looked at Anjali with his left eye and knew she was impatient.

The moment he saw she was about to open her mouth arnav spoke.

"Am getting married." Everyone stopped eating and gaped at him.

"Hello hi bye bye arnav marriage is no joke." Mami told him seriously.

"Am not joking." He said smiling.

"How come, cause the last time we talked about marriage you were angry." Anjali was trying hard not to show her disapproval.

"Oh that,I didn't meet my lady love. But now I have met her,the soul to my being and girl that makes my heart beat rise with just a smile." He sweetly spoke with his words and emphasizing on each word.

"Oh my bai since when have you become a love poet, you are in love." Akash was teasing arnav.

"So arnav tell me what's the girl name." Nani spoke.

"Khushi.. khushi Gupta." He looked at payal at the corner of his eyes and saw her pale.

"What does she do for a living." Anjali was trying to find answers.

"She's a psychologist and a physician assistant." Arnav informed them and looked at payal who was playing with her food.

"Woo! and how old is she?" Anjali asked making arnav fume he was controlling himself.

"25 years." He said

"Wow young age and she has already archieved much goal." Shyam fake praise.

"Tell her to meet us tomorrow okay." Nani told arnav and he nodded

He smirked strike one had killed two birds with one stone. He went back to his room and was making a call when he called someone.

In living room

"Nani how sure are you that what arnav said is true ,he might be faking it." Anjali sugar coated.

"We shall see tomorrow when the girl comes." Nani shooked her head and turn on the TV 

"Nani change it to the gossip tv my friends told me that they are talking about arnav bitya." She rushed in and took the remote to gossip live.

"Our sources have been following Arnav Singh Raizada for the past years for us to just get a glimpse of his dating life but couldn't but now when we were about to give up then boom!we  followed him and took pictures of him smiling and laughing with a girl,the ASR we know never  laughs  but this girl did magic to him, lucky girl and to the rest of the ladies you can stop fantasising about ASR because he is taken." The host spoke then showed the picture of arnav and khushi in the restaurant,he going to the hospital and their moment in amusement park.

The Raizada gaped at the television in disbelieve

"In my whole stay in Raizada mansion I have never seen arnav smile that way." Mami commented.

"Yeah and I think is serious." Nani also agreed,payal had already left to inform her parents.

Anjali was now confuse because sheetal was her only hope ,she has to find a way.

Arnav came down making a call.

"Love you more."he disconnected the call and stride to door,he pretended he didn't see them sitting.

The family was surprised.

I just couldn't contain my laughter any more,this family of mine. I knew Anjali was fuming inside and payal was trying hard to cower because of the news.

She knew that is the same khushi she knows and had to do something about that.  Arnav already knew what she was about to do.

Arnav drove to khushi's apartment and horn his car making khushi to come down.

"Morning." Khushi greeted him and sat beside Arnav.

"Morning, ready to go." He smiled at her and she nodded.

The drive was silent,the familiar building made khushi to get nervous,arnav parked his car and they got down.

He knocked on the door.

"Who is there,am coming." Madhumati open the door when she saw khushi she fumed.

"What the hell are you doing here brat." She angrily asked khushi that's when arnav spoke.

"I came with her aunt." When she saw him she was shocked.

"Dear what are you doing here, come in ." Arnav held khushi's hand and dragged her in.

He sat on the couch and was staring at the two ladies who kept eyeing khushi.

"Well the reason I came here was to inform you to get prepared for shargun." He spoke

"For who?" Madhumati asked.

"For khushi, I had met khushi a year ago and we started dating, I decided to get married to her and since you are her only family I decided to involve you in our upcoming wedding."

"Wedding." Payal's mom couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Yes am getting married to khushi, we are leaving already I have work pending in the office and khushi needs to tend to her clients." He smiled and they both left, Khushi let go of the breathe she was holding when they entered his car.

"Am sorry because of me you have to see them again." He was kind of feeling guilty.

"Am okay arnav. Uhh so how was the journalist guy." Khushi said immediately changing the topic.

"I had no idea the media was following us taking pictures until I caught them the night I visited and they just made our work easy." He was grinning like a fool.

"Arnav we have to be alert of your sister,she might be planning something big." Khushi was biting her lips something she does when she's nervous.

"I know about her Khushi, I knew she never liked me but I didn't know she wanted my money." He was still shocked.

"Drop me home and go to work,you have missed a lot and let's see what awaits us tomorrow." She smiled at him.

He dropped her at her home and went to the office, he greeted back anyone who greets him, he even smiles.

Employees were surprised by their boss behavior,he ignored their surprised faces went into his office.

Aman brought him his schedule for day and he switched to work mood.

Anya and madhumati was angry they tried eliminating that girl but she keeps on resurfacing.

They didn't let their chance go when payal hand in marriage was asked ,they were happy that payal have gotten herself in to a rich home.

Now that the eldest son of the Raizada and the sole   reason behind the raizada's  wealth is getting married to khushi.

Their whole body is itchy, they were surprised when payal came to them and told them about everything ,they were about to digest the fact when arnav himself came in with Khushi.

They didn't want payal to be noticed so she hid.

"This girl have trapped arnav ,I know she has." Anya spoke making madhumati nod.

"We can not do anything but watch her get married." Madhumati commented.

"We can not prevent the wedding but we can make arnav himself to call off the wedding." Payal smirked.

"Huh am so proud of you payal, by the time we are done with Khushi ,arnav himself will be disgusted by her presence , the smile that melts his heart will surely be erased." Payal said tapping her foot.

"Tik tok tik tok." Anya laughed.

End of chapter 10

See you guys soon 😚

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