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Federal court of Kolkata

"Your honor my client here was decieved into signing a paper he didn't know which was presented by his ex wife." Sruthi spoke.

"Objection my Lord." Kunal spoke.

"Over ruled, you may continue." The judge spoke.

"As I was saying , she made him sign an ownership of half of his properties blindly by deceiving him and the eye of laws it's called fraud, he was deceived into believing it was a work application that needed his signature and that only can be sued but my client here was generous enough by not sueing her but rather was generous enough by asking for a divorce but miss Gupta here still want another property before spilting with her ex husband which is not possible after what she did to him." Sruthi spoke.

"That's all your honor." He walked to his sit.

"Payal you didn't tell me I was dealing with a Raizada." Kunal whispered.

Payal ignored him and looked at Akash direction who was smirking at her.

"Your honor since she was faithful in the marriage she deserved a little bit of money from him after going her way, so it isn't fair." Kunal said

"Your honor I have an evidence that show's that payal was never loyal." Sruthi presented a copy to the juries.

They played the video and the Gupta's knew their time was over.

In the video.

"Oh sweetheart tell me how it's your marriage going on." The guy asked payal.

"You making me laugh, marriage life am just an innocent girl to them and I don't care about any of them it's money  I want and you know that.". Payal said

"Ooh payal I miss you so much when would I meet you again."  He asked.

"You know you are not the only one I go to ,I would see maybe I could find sometime." She said and the video went off.

"It's this what we call loyalty in marriage, married to your husband and sleeping with different men is it loyalty? Only this can lead to divorce that is adultery and to rap all up, she even deceived him to sign papers and that to can be sued, your honor please let us all seek justice here for Akash Singh Raizada." Sruthi spoke before going back to his seat.

"We would return to you in 30 minutes for the final  jugdement." The judge replied

"Arya I told her not to do anything stupid, you see what she has done, she said everything would be okay." Madhumati was fuming.

"Do you think I didn't tell her, she never listened to me nor you , she does what she wants, I told her arnav told her not to do anything stupid but she refused." Arya retorted.

"Kunal didn't you tell me you are the best lawyer." Payal whispered to him unhappy.

"What? All that evidence it's true and I have nothing to do, and if I do anything stupid I would rather be doing more harm than good do you understand." He warned her and Payal fumed.

"I hope she gets the biggest punishment ." Khushi said

"She would surely get punishment , disgusting human being." Mami spat.

"Calm down manorma, everything would be fine." Nani whispered.

"That little mouse underrated me, I warned her not to do anything stupid but she ignored my threat." Arnav said.

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