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It's very nice arnav, I like it." Khushi said and arnav was smiling.

They had gone to a five star restaurant to have dinner and arnav booked the balcony for his privacy.

"Am glad you like it." Arnav said caressing khushi's fingers.

"Am here for your order please what would you have." The waitress asked.

"Spaghetti with beef and bring us your best wine." Arnav ordered and he left to bring their order.

"Baby I know you don't like food here that's why I asked for spaghetti." Arnav stated.

"Ohh Mr Raizada." Khushi joked and arnav playful glared at her.

"Here it's order sir ." He placed it on their table and Left.

Arnav opened the wine and poured a little for himself as long as for khushi.

They quietly ate their food, staring at each other non-stop.

"Cheers to life." Arnav raised his glass and khushi giggled.

"Cheers." She whispered

Arnav stood up and went towards khushi.

"May I have a dance with you my lady." Arnav bowed and khushi smiled.

"Of course my prince." They danced together without no music.

Arnav told khushi he wanted to show her somewhere and khushi was trying to let him tell her but he wouldn't talk they arrived and khushi gasped.

"It's so beautiful." Khushi admired the flowers.

"This was the house maa and I used to stay before that man took us, my mom and I love planting flowers, so I decided to use the backyard for red roses in remembrance of my mom, even if I don't have time for it, I pay workers to take care of it." Arnav said smiling and khushi hugged his back.

"Am okay khushi." He reassured her.

"Okay, please don't cry arnav." Khushi used her fingers to wipe the little tear at the corner of his eyes, she kissed his tears away and lightly pecked his lips.

They sat there quitely till arnav spoke.

"My mom was my everything, I knew something was wrong whenever I brought the topic of my dad but I never got worried, I was okay with her but secretly wished I had a father, hhm turns out he was a monster." Arnav whispered audible for khushi to hear.

Khushi placed his head on her laps and brushed her hands in his hair, they stayed like that for God knows when till arnav spoke.

"Let's go back home khushi it's late." Arnav said lifting his head from her laps." Arnav said and khushi nodded.

He drove back to the city but he took a different route and khushi was confused.

"Arnav where are we going,this it's not the way to Raizada mansion." Khushi said.

"Yes I know that, you ask so many questions wifey, if we get there you would know." Arnav said smiling and khushi frowned.

They reached a pent house and khushi was awed by it, it was simple cozy and nice.

Arnav held khushi and they went inside.

"Wow it's beautiful, who owns it?" Khushi asked.

"I own it." Arnav said and khushi glared in confusion.

"Before I was married to you, when ever I needed time alone I come here to escape from my family and when it's mom's death anniversary, I come here to relieve my pain, no one have ever seen me cry but they have no idea what I go through, I thank God that I met you as my HEALER, my beautiful healer." And khushi became red.

"Let's go to bed ,I only have my shirts here if only you are comfortable to wear it." Arnav said looking at khushi.

He went inside the bathroom and took a quick shower, he came out shirtless with a loose Short's.

"You can go in." Arnav said to khushi.

She entered the bathroom and took her bath.

"How am I supposed to wear his shirt, it barely covers my thighs." Khushi sighed.

"Oh my God I cannot go in like that, but he it's my husband,why wouldn't I, ohh God." She was frustrated she didn't know what to do.

Arnav thought khushi has kept long so he went knocking on the door.

"Khushi are you okay." Arnav asked making her panic.

"Am okay arnav." Khushi said.

"Then why are you keeping long to come out." Arnav asked.

Khushi knew she had no option so she opened the door and came out stretching the shirt to cover her thighs and arnav gape, he took a good look at her.

Her hair still wet and water droplet on her neck, he traced it and it reached her cleavage, he took a good look at her blossom that was showing through the shirt.

Her hourly glass figure with her smooth and milky legs, arnav was turned on by her appearance and khushi gulped.

Arnav took a step closer and she took a step back, he did till she her back touched the wall, he caressed her hair to her cheeks then brushed his hands on her lips and khushi chest was heaving.

He leaned closer and captured her pink lips, he started of gently then the kiss got heated , arnav asked for entrance and she gladly accepted, he tasted every corner of her lips till they where out of breath and arnav pulled out.

He kissed her chin down to cleavage and khushi moaned,he licked her her neck and bit it before sucking on it, khushi legs where about to give up so arnav raised her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

They kissed each other again and arnav placed her the bed and kissed down her neck.

"Khushi please stop me other wise I wouldn't be able to help my self." Arnav said breathing heavily.

Khushi kissed his cheeks and arnav got the go ahead. He unbuttoned the shirt and saw khushi breast and his lips salvated, khushi brought her hands to cover and arnav held her hands above her her head.

"Do not cover khushi, you are beautiful." Arnav was looking at her with love.

He kissed her then used his left hand to massage her left breast and khushi moaned, arnav kept his mouth on the other peak and khushi gasped, he sucked in it.

"Arnav." Khushi moaned

Khushi didn't realize arnav removed her every cloth and she was now in her glory.

"Beautiful." Arnav said and khushi blushed, he removed his shorts and khushi gasped seeing it an arnav chuckle.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." She said

Arnav slowly entered her and she screamed, he had to wait for her to accommodate him.

They had a blissful night together.


"Arya lately you have been avoiding me even you don't even inform me of your plans." MD complained.

"Why so because we don't have anything to do or any enemy for now and stop your nagging I don't like that." Arya warned.

"Am just saying and besides the money payal gives you to give to me it's not enough and if I find out you manipulated my money you know what would happen." Madhumati warned and Arya gulped.

Thank you

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