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The room arnav and khushi was provided was cozy and nice. A bedroom and bathroom with a walk in closet, a well furnished couch and a table with a television. There is also a mini bedroom inside.

"This it's your room for your two days stay here, the mini bedroom is for the kid. Breakfast , lunch and supper would be brought to you if you need anything please don't hesitate to summon me." He said before leaving.

"Oh wow, it's so cool dad." Aarav said looking at his room.

"Yeah , this is your room and please behave okay." Arnav said sternly.

"Arnav!" Khushi warned.

"No let me, I know you are up to something aarav." Arnav said making aarav pretend.

"Up to to what?" He said scratching his head.

"Whatever it is don't do it, take a shower and come to our room so we can have lunch." He said and left, khushi looked at aarav sullen face.

"It was great to see them furious." Khushi said.

"Really mom." Aarav smiled.

"Yes , but please stay out of trouble okay." She warned and he giggled.

"Arnav please don't be harsh on aarav." Khushi was a little upset.

"Am not harsh on him am only trying not to let him get harmed by them, what if they use him against us, they are capable of anything." Arnav said upset.

"Arnav I know Aarav very well, he knows what his doing." She informed

"But.." before he could speak prito called.

"Yeh husband." Khushi responded

"Wifey am going to call you on video so switch." Khushi did as she said.

"Arnav Bai hope you taking care of my wife." Prito said.

"Miss priyanka have you gone nuts, she is my wife." Arnav said.

"Oh possessive possessive, tsk tsk tsk tsk." Prito laughed and arnav frowned.

"Why did you call?" Khushi questioned.

"Aarav called me on a video call and asked me about the Gupta's and told me to show them their pictures and characters, how they behave." She said.

"WHAT?" both khushi and Arnav said.

"Yeah he did, I asked him why he needed their information and he told me he wanted to protect his mother from them even if he can't do it now he might do it in the future." Prito narrated. Arnav gape so as khushi, they were all speechless.

"Khushi is everything okay, it seems like your environment have changed cause that's not your bedroom." Prito said.

"Yeah we are actually at Kolkata." Khushi replied.

"Doing what there?" She asked.

"Actually.." Arnav narrated everything that went on when the lawyer came.

"Those witches, all along I thought your grandfather was the villian not knowing those witches ....oh my God , I don't even know how to describe them." Prito was blazing red.

"We hope everything turns out well before we come back." Khushi said.

"Bai take care of her okay, any scratches on her body I swear I would skin your balls alive and add salt to it." Prito warned arnav making khushi giggled.

"That mouths of yours would cause you trouble Priyanka, bye." He didn't wait for her to respond and disconnected the call.

"You are scared of her." Khushi said giggling.

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