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"I babaji here by allow by workers to work for me even after my demise, they would continue to be payed and stayed in their respected homes provided." He read making the servants smiled.

They all thought everything was over.

"The workers would still enjoy their rights and privilege since I was alive." He said

"Now am moving on to the next chapter." Mr Abhinav said.

Everyone was quite waiting for the storm.

"My restaurant in Kolkata and the my mansion goes to the Gupta's, they can have the house to themselves only in one condition." He said looking at their direction.

"Condition, this old man has no shame even on his death bed." Arya mummered enough for everyone to hear.

"They should not fire any worker nor change them nor employ any, being the sole owners doesn't give them the right and if they cannot adhere to my rules they can kindly leave the mansion." He coated.

"That's so cruel of him." Madhumati was fuming. The lawyer ignored her comment and continued.

"Five crore should be given to the Gupta's I do not care how they share it among themselves all I know is I have given them five crore." He was emphasizing on each word.

Payal was just a Listener, she didn't make a comment and khushi and her family weren't even bothered.

"lastly my entire business and properties it's given to khushi's husband I meant ASR , my hospital and orphanage would be runned by khushi and all by bank details and account is transferred to Khushi and her children if she has any, I here by request that everything mentioned here should be strictly followed if you had any problem with my will you can kiss your way out." Mr Abhinav stated.

"I still can't belief  that ungrateful khushi have everything, what did she do to deserve it." Arya said.

"Ungrateful?" Khushi asked them.

"Who is rather ungrateful, I or you pathetic piece of worthless humans called family." She strode towards them pointing her fingers.

"How dare you speak to me like that." Arya was fuming.

"Tssk what can you do to me , I mean you cannot do anything to me nothing." She glared khushi didn't see it coming when Arya slapped her and everyone gasped.

"Hahahaha it's that all you got woman , should I turn my left chick for you to slap? Oh no I smell fire." Khushi held her chest dramatically

"Oh you are asking what I did to deserve it but the question it what did you do to deserve what you have been given." Khushi barked.

"Nothing! Nothing, you don't even deserve a penny, if I were to be babaji I wouldn't even given you a penny I would have let you rot on the roads of  Kolkata or Delhi being reched and miserable but it's a pity am not babaji." Khushi smirked at them.

"You brat how dare you disrespect your mother." Madhumati said glaring at khushi.

"My mother is dead." Khushi said nonchalantly and Payal gaped.

" The last time I remembered I was told not to call her mother and I wasn't worth it infact she isn't worthy enough to be called a mother." Khushi retorted.

"Khushi you are so ungrateful, after all mom had taken care of you since childhood and you dare to insult her." Payal fumed.

"Oh shut your mouth there party pooper." Payal gasped at her Nick name.

"Taken care of me? When? I can't remember please help me remember payal because all I had in my childhood were taunt and abuse and not even a little love, ohh I almost forgot ,so Mrs Arya and madhumati where the hell is the money babaji gave you for my studies from my  childhood to college?" Khushi demanded.

"What? Money? I don't understand ." Arya faked ignorance.

" Oh woman Don't give me that look, how can you be so wicked I worked by butt up to be able to pay my fees and even had to work extra to get scholarship, not knowing you were enjoying my fucking money ,my money the whole years. Not only that you send me a fake letter about babaji not wanting to see me." Khushi controlled her self.

Arya and madhumati couldn't believe their anus have been revealed.

"You didn't deserve that money, payal deserved it." Arya said making khushi slapped her hard I mean fucking hard.

"How dare you." Arya screamed before she could raise her hands khushi slapped her again.

"How dare me huh, I dare you woman and tell me why payal deserved it I don't tell me, you think I don't know that we aren't relative, you aren't my relatives, bua was the friend of my father that makes no relation between you and I ." Khushi stated.

"Oh and save your breadth because I have no time to listen to you." Khushi stated.

"Mr Abhinav is everything ready for our departure?" Khushi asked.

"Yes Mrs Raizada." He responded.

"We are leaving already I can't stand to be in the same roof with cheaters." Khushi murmured.

The servants were dismissed and they were happy with what just happened they didn't like the Gupta's and khushi definitely kept them in their place.

"Oh I almost forgot, payal Akash had asked for a divorce he has already signed the papers it's only left with your signature." Arnav spoke for the first time since the fiesco of everything.

"I see you are his messenger he should have faced me." Payal smirked.

"Of course why wouldn't I be his messenger and why would he face you when he has no business to do with you , divorce is divorce so sign the papers and am warning you don't do anything stupid because if you do, tssk I bet you would see the beast side of me..... And Akash isn't in the country anymore so if you need any meaningful  changes in the divorce paper call my messenger he would inform me." He spoke then Left.

"Dad it's our things already set." Aarav asked his father.

"Yes , let's hurry before your mom gets furious" they walked faster and entered the car and khushi was already seated.

"Let's go." Arnav told the driver and he started the engine.

"Mom are you okay." Aarav asked his mom and Arnav looked at them through the mirror view.

"Hmm." She responded and he shut his mouth. The car ride was silent till they reached the airport.

End of chapter

Guys I don't have any idea how much a crore cost I just mentioned it and besides I was imagining it to be less for bbabaji.

And sorry for my grammar earlier "anus have been revealed." It's a direct translation from my local dillect so no harm.

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Thank you and have a nice day.

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