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She woked up and realized she was in a basement, dirty basement and she was lying in a rached mattress. She recall what happened and shivered.

"Who the hell did this to me and where the hell am I?" She whispered, just then the door was burst open.

She raised her head and saw Don's cousin looking at her direction. She was intelligent enough not to speak.

"I see you are brave, if it was someone the person would have been begging her life but you are calm may I know why?" He said in slow and threatening voice.

"I do not know you nor do I have business with you man, let me go." Payal retorted and he laughed.

"I see that's a smart mouth you got there payal, my cousin didn't teach you etiquette." He said rolling his eyes.

"He did." Payal smirked

"He did? But I don't see it in you. I need to teach you myself." He smirked.

"No need to small man, I was taught ethics in bed not to bow down to useless men and beside I don't meddle in his life." Payal frowned and he fumed. He grabbed her hair roughly.

"Ahhhh let go of me you bastard." She said struggling to remove his hand.

"Let me warn you young lady, over here if you misbehave ,I don't take shit okay,this it's my place and my rules you have to abide." He gritted his teeth and increased the hold on her hair.

"Hah you are pathetic, I don't know why you are a mob, you have anger management and to top it all you are not a man , real men don't kidnap an unarmed ladies." Payal whispered.

He let go of her hair when she thought it was over, be slapped her hand on her right cheeks then left, then it went in till he was satisfied, payal was in pain but she didn't show it.

"You little thing, by the time am done with you , you would regret the day you where born." He angrily spat.

"What? Regret? I wouldn't it's you that would regret darling by the time am done with you." Payal smirked

He removed a syringe and Payal was about to get up when he shove it into her skin and she screamed. He smiled and she lost consciousness.

"Did you see payal around?" Don asked one of his body guard.

"She didn't show up today." He replied.

"Are you sure, it's already evening." Don said.

"Yes sir am sure." He replied

"Okay you are dismissed." He replied.

"Where could that girl go, I hope she doesn't pull a little stunt on me because if she does ,she would say bye bye to her mom." He was restless.

She kept in a sit and tied her arms backwards and her legs. He poured a bucket of cold water on her when she woke up.

"Hello my lady." Don mocked

"Hi idiot." Payal retorted

"I see you have still not learn your lesson." He said, they where interrupted by someone batching in.

"What is it?" He barked.

"Her phone has been ringing." The person said and handed the phone and left.

"I see your lover boy it's called." He said smirking, payal was shivering in cold.

"Hello payal where are you." He barked.

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