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"Prito ,Akash said you visited this evening." Khushi spoke on the phone arnav took the phone and kept it on loud speaker.

"Arnav." Khushi warned, he grinned and kissed her cheeks making her gasped.

"I swear you two should have finished with what you started before calling, I heard enough today I can't hear another." Prito teased.

"What you heard was different from your thought, so tell me why did you pick Aarav with you?" Khushi asked.

"I  have a two weeks free off day and am spending it in Goa and I didn't want to go alone so I decided to inform you guys before picking him but I had no guts to enter your room after I heard a groan and moaning." Prito giggled.

"Prito." Khushi warned

"Am serious, khushi you have a very big explanation to do , even that your fat ass of your husband to." Prito giggled.

"Herr Priya what it's between my wife  and I it's none of your  damn business so shut your mouth and besides we would talk after you come back but for now I need my wife." Arnav said making khushi giggled.

"Hold your balls there man,am talking to my wife." Prito said.

"Prito can I speak to Aarav." Khushi asked.

"Aarav your mom wants to speak with you." Prito shouted, they heard shuffling till he spoke.

"Hello Mom." Aarav spoke.

"How you doing?" Khushi asked

"Am good mom, mom I just saw you this morning." Aarav was frowning.

"Aarav stay out of trouble and listen to your aunt okay, don't ..." Khushi spoke.

"Mom, am not a kid and aunt Priya would take care of me and besides dad once told me that men don't look for trouble it's trouble that look for men so they have to solve it." Aarav whined and arnav and  prito laughed.

"Aarav Don't listen to your dad, I would see you when you come back." Khushi said

"Aarav take care , I love you son." Arnav said.

"Love you more dad ,mom bye." He left to his room.

"Okay love birds see you when am back." They disconnected the calls.

"Khushi let's go to bed." Arnav layed on his side so did khushi.

"Do you think she would feel betrayed if we tell her." Khushi asked arnav.

He brushed his fingers on her cheeks.

"I don't know maybe or not but in all she would." Arnav reassured her.

"Khushi." He whispered

"Hmm." He brought his lips to hers and kissed her slowly, he deepened the kiss and brushed his tongue across her lips and she gladly parted her lips for him to explore, he pulled out when they needed oxygen, arnav trailed wet open mouth kisses on her neck making her gasp and he bit her neck.

"Arnav." She moaned, he sucked on her skin before capturing her lips for a quick kiss before breaking the kiss.

They where both breathing heavily. Arnav looked at khushi and she blushed and hid her face.

"Don't hide your face from me khushi." He lifted her face and gazed at her lovely.

"I Didn't want to stop but I know that if i didn't stop , we would do what we didn't plan to do." He whispered and khushi blushed.

"I love you khushi." Arnav whispered and khushi was shocked.

"Yes I love you, I didn't know how much I loved you till the day we went for the party, I saw how men in the hall where eyeing you and I felt jealous, I wanted to skin them alive for looking at what belongs to me, I Know everything it's fast but I promise to try my best ." He kissed her forehead, khushi was speechless.

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