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"Who might it be, Hariprikash get the door." Nani said busy with her hands.

For the past two days everyone it's busy because of prikash wedding , arnav had worked from home, he doesn't let khushi do anything, he does everything for her.

"Hi." The lady spoke and Hariprikash was confused, he has never seen them before.

"Please come in." He lead the way.

"Hariprikash who is it?" Nani lifted her face and frown at the strange people.

"Hello, we are here because Arnav called us." The lady said politely, before Nani could speak prito intervene.

"What are you doing here?" Prito said coming down, she was eyeing them.

"Prito who are these people?" Nani asked.

"My adoptive parents." She whispered and Nani gasped.

"I see you all know who we are? Arnav called us to witness your wedding." Mrs sheikh spoke and prito just nodded.

"Hariprikash please send them to the guest room." Arnav said coming down with khushi.

"I called them to witness and take part in your wedding, I don't want us to deny them their rights, they took care of you and it it's their rights." Arnav stated and prito understood.

"Dad, mom how was your trip?" Prito asked and they were shocked.

"Fine child." Mr sheikh said and prito nodded.

"You can take a rest now, this evening it's the engagement ." Prito said and left.

"Maa,daa." Khushi hugged prito's parents.

"Ohh khushi, you grown well. I missed you." Mr sheikh said.

"Mm yeah me too, you and maa must be tired , please rest and come down soon." Khushi said and they nodded and left.

"Ohh my goodness, I felt the tension around." Akash whispered

"Let's forget about everything and celebrate our happiness, manorma bring your lazy ass here we need to be fast, the guest would start arriving very soon." She whispered.

"Arnav I want Ice cream." Khushi ordered and arnav glared at her.

"You just ate ice cream a few minutes ago, khushi don't test my patience." Arnav warned and everyone started laughing at how frustrated he his. Khushi started crying.

"Khushi am sorry I would get it for you, stop crying." Arnav cleaned her tears and kissed her forehead and khushi smiled.

"Dad why it's mom behaving like a kid nowadays." Aarav whispered.

"Pregnancy hormones." He whispered back and he nodded, arnav knew his son would do research about what he said. He took his whining pregnant wife back to their room.

Engagement time

Prito was very beautiful and Akash couldn't take his eyes from hers, they where teased a lot, even ARSHI remembered theirs and khushi blushed.

There was still tension between prito and her parents but the Raizada's made sure to enlighten it.

Next few days where busy,the rest of the occasions where celebrated in their perspective days, tomorrow it's their wedding day and they are not supposed to see each other, so prito was sent to Divya's home.

Evening Time, Mr and Mrs Sheikh's room.

"Excuse me, may I." Akash knocked on their door, they where surprised.

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