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Next morning

Everyone came down to have breakfast when they saw the table already filled with food.

"Hariprikash what are we celebrating?that's lot of food." Nani smiled in content.

"Khushi mam prepared it I only helped a little." Hp said.

"Herh I don't believe you, khushi cannot prepare all this by herself." Anjali said.

"She did." Hariprikash said.

"So why isn't she present here." Mami asked.

"She left to the hospital." Hp said.

"It's she sick." Anjali asked.

"Mam is actually a psychologist, she left to hospital her work." Hariprikash  tried to Elaborate to Anjali.

"I know, you may go." Anjali fumed.

"I still can't belief she did all that , she must be tired and she went to work already." Nani comment and Anjali was burning in rage.

"Mhhh so delicious." Mami kept on saying savouring her food.

"Mmm if I get used to khushi's food I don't think I would eat the prikash food again." Nani commented.

Arnav woke up and didn't find his wife he saw a piece of paper beside him.

"You were peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up, am already off to work, see you in the evening."

Arnav smiled and took his bath, he wored his black suit and took his belongings before heading downstairs.

"Morning." He greeted and sat on his chair.

When he had a spoonful of his food he frowned.

"Nani is it khushi that prepared the dish." Arnav asked Nani and he nodded.

"How did you know it's khushi's." Anjali smiled sweetly.

"I have tasted all the food she had prepared for me being it local or international cuisine and precise she's  been giving me lunch when ever am in the office so even if khushi makes coffee I would know." Arnav reciprocate the smile and Anjali fume.

"Am off to work." Arnav left.

"Anjali I always warn you to always behave in front of arnav if you continue like that he wouldn't hesitate to throw you out, remember is because of Nani his controlling himself, you need to stop your childish act and woman up otherwise your plan wouldn't work."shyam whispered to her.

Khushi was attending to some kid when arnav came in.

"Arnav what you doing here." Arnav looked at her, she was wearing a red saree and her head partition filled with kumkum.

"Am here to see my wife before I go to work." He sat on a chair.

The kid mom thanked khushi and Left.

"Why did you not wake me up ?and why did you do all the work at home when Hariprikash was there? and why did you leave so early?" He was looking at her.

"I didn't want to disturb your sleep and am the bahu of the house and it's my job and I had an early morning appointment." She replied him.

"You okay now husband." Khushi asked arnav and he smiled.

" Yes my wife, here I brought you your breakfast, I have to go now because I have a lot to catch up." He said before walking towards her.

"Good luck kiss." He brought his lips and kissed her forehead and she smiled. She kissed his cheek and he left.

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