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Next morning

Arnav woke up first and was admiring his wife, khushi opened her eyes and when she saw arnav she blushed.

"Baby good morning." Arnav greeted her.

"Morning." Khushi said shyly and arnav smiled.

"Thank you very much for loving me and letting me love you." Arnav said nuzzling on khushi's shoulder and she gasped.

"Baby am hungry." Arnav said and khushi looked at him.

"Okay let me freshened up and prepare breakfast for you." Khushi responded and arnav nodded a no.

"Then?" Khushi was confused

"I mean let's have morning sex am craving for you khushi." Arnav smirk and khushi slapped his shoulders.

"Shameless." Khushi whispered

"Ouch khushi, it hurts baby see my friend down here it's impatient." Arnav bucked his hips to khushi under the duvet and khushi gasped.

"You think I was lying." Arnav said and khushi blushed, khushi saw arnav looking at something and looked at what he was looking at and khushi gape, she tried pulling the duvet to cover her peak but Arnav stopped her.

"Khushi don't." Arnav warned his voice had changed and khushi shivered, he traced his fingers around her areola and started breathing heavily, she moaned his name when he took the peak in his mouth.

"Arnav." She moaned, gripping his hair tight and arnav smiled he worshipped the other peak.

"Are you ready." Arnav asked and she nodded.

"Words khushi." He stated

"Yes." And that was all , they loved each other the whole day.

The couple weren't able to keep their hands off each other but they managed to bath and ate dinner then made love and made love.

Raizada Mansion

"The love birds isn't back yet." Anjali taunted.

"Hahahaha Anjali I definitely know their schedule, and am sure they would come when everyone it's home, I mean midnight that's when the plan would be executed, don't worry." Shyam Said smiling.

"Oh shyam I can't wait to see the faces of my family when the job it's done." Anjali said.

"For now let's pretend nothing it's wrong and go down and have supper." Shyam said.

They went down and had their supper when the door bell ranged. Hariprikash got the the door and the two where seated.

"Good evening Shyam and Anjali." Aman greeted .

"Evening." It was shyam that responded, Anjali just rolled her eyes.

"Hariprikash tell ASR that I am here." Aman Said to Hariprikash.

"Sorry he isn't home yet." He said

"Oh okay then let me call him."Aman said.

"Hello Aman." Arnav answered

"Sir I came for the papers but Hariprikash said you aren't home yet and I need the important ones you signed." Aman said.

"Tell Hariprikash to go to my room on the recliner its there, he can pick it up for you." Arnav spoke .

"Okay sir." He disconnected the call

"Hariprikash, he said you should look on the recliner in his room you would see the files." Aman Said and Hariprikash went and brought the papers.

"Have a good night." Aman said and left.

"Tskk." Anjali fumed and shyam signal her to shut up.

"Who was that." Khushi asked setting the table for supper.

"Aman, he gave me some files to sign, he came back for it." Arnav said

"Ohh, let's have dinner." Khushi announced.

Arnav grabbed her and kissed her passionately before letting her go.

"Arnav I wonder how you would survive for the whole week." Khushi teased.

"You underestimate your dear husband baby." Arnav said.

They had their dinner and spend time with each other,till night came and they were left with no option than to leave.

On their way arnav found something fishy.

"Khushi I think someone it's following us." Arnav alarmed khushi and she panicked.

"Arnav what are we going to do." Khushi said worried.

"I won't let them know we have seen them, let's play their game." Arnav smirked and khushi gape.


"Don why did your cousin behave that way, it's not that am prying in your personal matters but I was little afraid the way he looked at me." Payal said to Don.

"He it's no one, you need not to worry, he it's just so ambitious of taking my place but he would never and ever replace me , he has to kill me before he would be able to replace which am afraid he can't even touch a single hair of mine." Don said gritting his teeth and Payal nodded.

"Come ,we need to relieve stress." Don said.

Somewhere In Kolkata

"Have you made a check on the girl." He asked.

"Yes sir and I think , she would be his weakness boss, should I initiate the work boss." The man said.

"Not yet, let's keep a tap on them a little,if I want you to go ahead I would give you the signal." He instructed and disconnected the call.

"By the time am finished with you you would be begging for mercy and that would be the time I would get rid of you slowly and everything would be MINE." he evilly laughed.


Arnav and khushi used a different route but those people where able to track them and the roads where empty khushi was squirming inside.

"Hello sir." The man called.

"Call the hit man and let him take it from there, leave the neighborhood." He ordered and disconnected the call.

Khushi and arnav saw them retreat and they sighed.

"Oh my God, that was near." Khushi gasped for air.

"Let's go." Arnav drove the car backwards.

The tire got stucked in a hole and arnav tried but it stopped.

"Khushi go into the car and let me pushed it." Arnav struggle till he brought it out with the help of khushi.

Khushi came and needed to pee so she went into the bushes besides, arnav leaned on the driver's seat waiting for khushi.

Khushi finished her business and was walking towards the car when a truck came in full speed and passed her and when it got to their car it Increase it speed and khushi was panicking.

"Arnav." She screamed and that was when she heard a crushed sound, by the time she went it was too late, the car was smashed and thrown harshly three times and caught fire, she screamed in agony.

"Arnav." She screamed and cried staring at the already burnt car.

"Sir the job it's done." The man said and he smirked.

Luckily enough she took her phone with her, with shaky hands she dialed a number.

Thank you guys, I hope I pulled a really good stunt cause that was the only idea I had, until then enjoy and don't forget press the star button to vote.

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