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"Morning everyone."  Arnav greeted, today they have an additional four members on the table.

"Morning bai." Prito responded.

"Would you stop calling him that!" Anjali glared at her.

"What did I do wrong Anjali Didi ,am just calling my brother nothing else." Prito shrugged her shoulders.

" He isn't you brother." Anjali fumed.

"Tsk Didi he is my sweet bai whether you like it or not." Prito responded

"Arnav?...and are joking." Akash said.

"Akash Bai you have no idea how cute and sweet he is but when his angry I find it funny and besides khushi brings out the best from him." Prito told Akash.

"Best of him? He is already perfect." Akash said.

"That's were you are wrong, he isn't perfect and has flows and weakness,he is human and also have emotions, khushi is best in consoling him." Prito smiled.

Making Anya and MD fume in anger and payal was throwing daggers at prito whiles Anjali was about to expolode.

"So khushi how much do you know about arnav." Anjali sweetly smiled

"Huh ...I can't tell you that because I know him beyond and infinite and every corner." She smiled .Arnav was trying hard not to laugh but he failed.

"Hahahaha ermm." He laughed whole hearted making everyone gape at him  Arnav sigh Raizada laughing.

"Why is everyone looking at me as if they have seen a ghost." Arnav composed himself.

"Hariprikash serve me am hungry." Anjali spoke khushi got up and helped hp ,he was happy that at least someone knows what's called courtesy.

Everyone had their breakfast in silence.

"Khushi get ready the guest are arriving." Nani informed

"And arnav you to." Nani said.

"Isn't it girls things." His question made everyone laugh.

"They brought two stools and pillows, they placed the pillows on the stool for them to sit.

"Mom did you mix the acid in the haldi." Payal asked and her mother nodded they brought the haldi.

"Bring the cloth." They brought a see through white cloth and they were staring at each other .

"Oho love birds stop staring at each other." Prito teased.

They brought the haldi and was about to smear it on khushi when arnav stopped them.

"Do me first, prito smear me with it." He said.

"But Anjali is supposed to smear on you." Mami commented

"Prito go ahead." Prito smeared it on his face legs and arms.

"Prito! I didn't tell you to bath me with it." Arnav frowned and felt itch his body started itching and he was scratching.

"Arnav was wrong."  Prito asked, He didn't speak and started scratching.

"Nothing." They smeared khushi with the haldi and Nani gaved her gift.

Arnav face became red.

"Arnav was wrong." Khushi was worried.

She pulled him towards her and used her scarf to clean the haldi.

Khushi helped him  walked into his room and he washed himself before changing  a new set on clothes.

"Are you okay now." Khushi asked and he smiled.

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