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Raveer's POV

Those bastards better knew not to better betray me. I surrendered because my mother told me to do so.

When I found her I was delighted to meet her, she lost a lot of weight and her eyes where tired. She didn't recognize me at first but she eventually did. She was on cloud nine that she met me.

She inquired of what I was doing and I told her everything, she told me resign, if I resign then she would wholeheartedly accept me and I immediately agreed, I had to finish those bastards before full fulling her wishes.

The mafia world have no idea I have business around the globe I mean not shady ones or the ones i inherited from my adopted father but he was wise enough to allow me build a communication business, I am an unanimous boss in my company, every year I take my award no one sees me nor know who I am. Even my trusted men have no idea. The hotels that they knew belonged to my father but the ones I have no one has a clue. It's like he knew one day that would happen, I gladly accepted my mother's wish.

Those hungry bastards are damned foolish, they think they have gotten rid of me, they are happy I have shared my belongings (in the mafia world we call properties as belongings) to them and I have nothing.

I have seen the hunger in them, they called for their own distraction, they would try to kill each other and take others properties, that's how cunning they are as for my father's family they have gotten a generous amount but they should have not sent that dumb cousin of mine, I killed him to teach them a lesson, not to mess around with me. As for the orphanage it's a privilege to them.

"Mom." I said sweetly and she turned and smiled at me,she hugged me.

"Son are you done?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Yes mom, what you told me to I have done it mom." He said looking at her lovingly.

"Okay we are going to stay in Delhi, I don't like this place." She said and Raveer smiled, he knew that was going to happen.

"Don't worry mom, everything have been set ,we are leaving to Delhi tomorrow morning." He whispered and she smiled.

"Thank you son, I had thought I lost you." She said, Raveer knew where she was heading.

"Mom it's all in the past, I have found you and nothing in  the world can separate us again only death mother, please.' he spoke and clean her tears, she leaned in and smiled.


Men prison

Shyam was groaning, he was frustrated he couldn't do anything and a lot of enemies are here with him and there it's no way he could escape, his thoughts where interrupted by a fluffy thing on his nose by them he realized it was a pillow, someone was strangling him.

He was trying to gasped for air, the person payed no heed to him till he felt shyam was about to go and he removed the pillow , shyam gasped for air and coughed, he stared at the person and his eyes widened.

"Are you surprised Mr jha, that it's how you did to my daughter, you Did that to her and killed her , that alone was enough but what you kept the blame on me right, this it's just a little stunt, the big show it's ahead." He threatened and left the imfirmary. Shyam gasped, he was about to die a seconds ago, if he would have not removed the pillow he would have been dead and forgotten.

Women Prison

"Hey Anjali ,time for scrubbing the toilet." The officer said.

"It's too early." She whined and the lady scoffed.

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