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"Arnav are we all supposed to squeeze in here?" Anjali asked arnav scrutinizing the apartment.

"Where  did you think we would be living?" Arnav sarcastically asked her.

"In a five star hotel." She said looking at him.

"Why would I have an apartment and go stay in a hotel, I wouldn't do that and if it's your wish you can go live there but not with my Money." He sternly said leaving to his room.

"Anjali the room provided is enough for both of us, you and shyam, Mami and I where as khushi and Arnav, Aarav would stay with his parent, we are just here for one night after that we are leaving." Nani said to her

Mami only glared at Anjali, shyam was fuming, this girl would never learn sense he masked his face and went towards her.

"Anjali let's go into our room." He gestured her.

"Shyam but..." She was cut off.

"It's okay it's only a day , let's endure it." He kissed her forehead and lead her to the room, he just rolled his eyes.

They already had dinner so no one came down to have dinner because they where all tired.

Nani and Mami's room

"Nani I hope everything turns well ,am very scared." Mami was thinking.

"Don't worry manorma, the evil it's always defeated by God, so no worries." Nani reassured him.

"Let's sleep it's late." They both went to bed.

ARSHI's room

"Aarav , khushi you guys should take the bed I would take the counch." Arnav said in no arguing tone.

"Dad you wouldn't fit there , since am small I would take it and you sleep on the bed with mom." Aarav suggested.

"Nonsense you sleep on the bed son." Arnav said.

"Nonsense sleep on the bed father." Aarav said making khushi burst into laughter.

"All of you come here." Khushi ordered and they both brought their feet to her.

"Arnav sleep on the left side of the bed, Aarav would sleep in the middle and I would sleep on the right side and my decision is final." Khushi said going into the bathroom to change clothes.

Arnav and aarav layed as khushi said, she layed in the middle. Khushi giggled making aarav also giggled.

Arnav kissed pecked her lips then layed down like nothing happened.

"Gross dad, I saw that. Anjali aunt was right the rooms aren't enough and I don't want to see you eating mom's face." Aarav teased making khushi red.

"Aarav." Khushi warned and he giggled, before they realize he dozed off.

"Khushi I know you were avoiding me." Arnav whispered to her.

"Am sorry." Khushi whispered

"Don't be, maybe we should take it slow." He suggested.

"Okay, but please don't tell prito about it." Khushi pleaded.

"Why would I ? I know that girl she is a pain in the ass." Arnav said seriously making her smile.

They called it a day. The next morning  everyone came down to have breakfast.

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