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Raizada Mansion

"Hariprikash where it's everyone." Khushi asked.

"They went for their friends daughter wedding and told me to tell you they wouldn't comeback till tomorrow evening." Hariprikash nodded.

"Ohh I c." That was the only thing khushi said.

"Then let's make breakfast for four , arnav and aarav, you and I." Khushi said

"Actually shyam and Anjali are around." Hariprikash informed.

"Oh okay, let's hurry time it's not on our side." Khushi said and Hariprikash nodded. They prepared breakfast before setting the table.

"Babe where it's everyone." Arnav asked pulling a chair to sit.

"They all went to friends wedding." Khushi answered.

"Mom am very hungry, I think I would eat everything on this table." Aarav joked and khushi laughed.

"Where it's everyone Arnav." Shyam asked arnav and arnav shrugged.

"Friends wedding." He replied and shyam nodded.

"They didn't even inform me, I would have tagged along." Anjali whined.

"You should wait for them to come home so you can rant it for them it's still early in the morning." Arnav stated with no nonsense tone and Anjali fume.

"What's the need of telling me off I was onky complaining they left me out."she said.

"Ohh Anjali it's early and I don't need your bitchy attitude." Arnav warned and Anjali angrily got up.

"What the hell did you just say, attitude, from where? you and I who has attitude, man up boy ." Anjali said

"If I should man up then it's hard time you woman up, you get free food and water, allowances and shopping free without doing any work yet you don't appreciate it, you and I who should man up?" Arnav fumed.

"Ohh so now you are rubbing it in my face because I don't have a job and you fend for me, you know what ?even if you don't like it am not moving from this house nor am I working you got that in your skull." Anjali retorted and arnav laughed.

"Ohh bravo I know you would never, I mean never get the hell out of this house because if you do you know what would happen, you would never survive a day in the street." Arnav smirked.

"Uncle shyam won't you stop them." Aarav whispered to shyam.

"I cannot, they are all angry lions and besides siblings fight are not my things and if Nani was here ,she would have stopped them." Shyam whispered back to Aarav and he nodded.

"Ohh Arnav I dare you to try me! I am capable of anything but it's because of Nani and Mami I don't want to leave this place, so no matter what you say am not leaving." Anjali retorted and Arnav fumed

"You..." He didn't finish when a voice boomed.

"ENOUGH YOU TWO." khushi said on top of her voice everyone gape.

"You two everyone one of us sitting here knows you don't like each other, would please behave like adults and the food it's getting colder,no More vile words, the two of you go back to your sits." Khushi ordered and they both did.

The place was quite, shyam was taken aback, he saw khushi silent but didn't know she would storm like that.

Everyone had their dinner in silence and went back to their respective room, aarav had left to Divya's house.

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