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Raveer's POV

I definitely know my mother it's up to something but I have no idea who she it's looking for, maybe a family member.

When she was married to that bastard father of mine, relatives never visited her and had no idea why she wasn't visiting anyone.

All I know it's she has hired a private investigator to look for someone and I Know that someone must be dear to her heart that kind of makes me jealous.

Raizada Mansion

Everyone came down to have breakfast except khushi. The kids didn't let her sleep last night, so she it's resting now with her babies.

"Arnav won't you go to work?" Nani teased and Arnav rolled his eyes.

"Nani you know let's stop the teasing okay, Hariprikash please prepare a tray for khushi." Arnav said chewing on his bread.

"Arnav actually......." Manorma spoke and arnav raised his brow.

"What is it Mami?" Arnav questioned

Manorma was nervous and was gazing at Nani who was nervous.

"Erm can we be taking care of the triplets for khushi, you know we don't want it to be like we are trying to......" Before she finished arnav was fuming.

"Bullshit Nani, bullshit Mami. You are my aunt and grandmother, you all have the rights on my kids so why the hell did you think I would refuse you. Huh tell me! Khushi wouldn't even hesitate to give the kids to you, please don't say that again." Arnav said frustrated.

"Oh okay." Nani said.

"Nani why would you think that?" Khushi said coming downstairs.

Everyone turned their heads and saw her coming downstairs.

"Why do you think that Mami, even Nani. You all have the rights on our kids even Aarav, please do not say that again." Khushi said and Nani hugged her.

"Thank you khushi." Nani whispered

"You don't have to thank me Nani." Khushi whispered. They heard the door opening.

"You should rest so I would have brought breakfast to you." Arnav whispered.

"Am awake Arnav,the kids are sleeping that's why I came down. Don't worry." Khushi's whispered and arnav smiled.

"Hariprikash who it's at the door?" Nani asked.

"There it's this lady at the door saying she wants to meet everyone." Hariprikash said.

"Let her in." Khushi said and arnav nodded.

"I wonder what storm it's about to happen." Manorma whispered.

"Good morning." The lady greeted she was kind of nervous. Nani gasped.

"Nandini!" Nani said and gasped.

"Mom." The lady whispered and everyone was shocked when the lady called Nani her mother.

"Excuse me." Arnav said and the lady turned and he gasped. She just looked like his mother, photo copy.

"Mother?" Arnav whispered, Nandini was taken aback.

"Mother who it's this man? And what does he mean by mother?" Nandini asked and Nani sighed, what she was avoiding it's about to be revealed.

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