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"Prito you are late, arnav would kill you." Khushi pulled her from her chair.

"Khushi ,he is my boss not yours you need not to worry." She assured her.

"Okay let's go I need to go to the Raizada mansion." She announced and prito looked at her face.

"Don't give me that look young lady,I would be okay." Khushi assured prito.

"Okay be careful." She warned

"Don't worry if everything is beyond my capabilities arnav would intervene." She smiled and took her car keys.

You know khushi bought her self  a range Rover lately since prito already has her car, they went their separate ways.

Raizada Mansion

"Hariprikash get the door." Nani raised her voice, everyone was waiting to see arnav's soon to be wife.

"Hello,mam." Hp greeted khushi.

"Hi and please call me khushi you are my elder." She Smiled and he nodded.

He showed her towards the living room,to say khushi's heartbeat rose she was nervous.

She saw Arnav's family members sitted on their couch.

"Namaske." She greeted whiles folding her hands.

"Khushi you didn't inform me you were coming I would have come to pick you up." Arnav spoke coming down from the stairs.

"I know you were tired yesterday from office work so didn't want to risk your sleep." She smiled sweetly at him.

He came forward and hugged her before kissing her forehead lovely.

"Eherm Khushi please sit." Nani spoke gesturing her to sit by.

"So khushi which family do you come from." Anjali asked.

"Gupta family." She replied in flat tone.

"Isn't it same as payal.". Shyam added.

"Yeah, she is my cousin." Khushi answered his question.

"Then why didn't we see you at the wedding." Anjali try prying.

"I don't know." Khushi shrugged.

"You should know."Mami was curious.

"I had no idea she was getting married and I never got an invite." Khushi responded making payal fume.

"Payal why didn't you inform her about your wedding." Akash was also curious.

"Because we thought she would be busy and couldn't get time for the wedding." Payal smiled sweetly, Khushi mentally rolled her eyes.

"But arnav that was the time you knew khushi, you could have invited her." Anjali was trying to make it complicated.

"I knew her didn't mean I should involve her around my family matters   I definitely knew what you guys were capable of at that time we were only friends and if  I have invited her you would have scared her away with questions like you are doing now." He spoke sternly and everyone shut their mouths.

"So we called the pandit and he said the auspicious day for your marriage would be in a week." Nani spoked, arnav hid his smile and feign shocked.

"A week, but Nani a week is early." Arnav whined

"How about you wait till 1year." When Nani spoke arnav zipped his mouth.

"Khushi dear ,we would call your Aunts and inform them, so tomorrow would be your shagun."

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