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Arnav didn't want to intrude in khushi's life so he decided to keep an eye on the Gupta's.

He had a call from khushi to come to a certain place. And he realized it was the amusement park with people  both children and adults.

He spotted her and went towards her.

"Khushi why did you call me here to do?" I asked khushi.

"Therapy." She answered cheerful.

"Therapy?in this place." I asked in disbelief.

"Yes today we are trying new things  by socializing." She imformed me.

"Ohh" that the only thing he could say.

She dragged him to the tickets guy and it was their turn to ride the roller coaster arnav looked at that in disbelief.

"What the., there's no way am riding that." Arnav started panicking.

Khushi dragged him and they sat in one of the chairs.

"We are about to move so please get ready." The announcer addressed the public

"Jeez." Arnav muttered when it started moving.

Khushi smiled and was happy and free.

"Arnav hold my hands." Khushi took arnav's palm and interwine hers.

He became stiff but relaxed, his fear was gone in a blink.

Next they went to the gun session and arnav stiffened khushi smiled reassuring him.

She took the gun out and shot the target and had a teddy bear.

"Khushi are you a child?" Arnav was seeing the childish side of khushi.

She pout and stick her tongue to him,she dragged him to ice cream parlor.

"Mam what flavor would you have." The young boy asked khushi.

Khushi pointed at arnav

"Just a spoon coop of vanilla." He spoke

Khushi stared at him in disbelief.

"Am actually diabetic ." He said making khushi understand he only wanted it because of her.

"Mam your order."

"Actually want strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and milk extra large." The boy stared at her in disbelief.

They took their ice cream and sat on a bench.

"Khushi are you sure you would not fall sick." He asked her staring at her ice cream.

"Tsk this is just small for me, I would have ordered both differently and mix it all before eating.

He shooked his head in disbelief they had a great time and retire their  home.

It's been Two month since khushi  was  his therapist he wasn't getting any nightmare again and he could say within a few months was able to recover what some doctor's took years for him to be okay.

Khushi was happy with her life  and always doing her job.

Today is payal and akash wedding, a lot of business delicate was invited to witness the Raizada wedding.

Payal was given an expensive bridal wear and she was happy. Her evil mother and aunt were happy with the jewelry and money they got.

Finally payal was married to akash, they got home and made the necessary rituals and send payal to Akash room, Akash and payal  spent their blissful wedding night together.

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