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"Arnav are you alright? Am worried your wounds would open up." Khushi said .

"Am okay khushi it's just that Divya was the one that helped my mom and I during our stay in that house I never mentioned about her in our session." Arnav whispered.

"Oh." That's all khushi could say.

"It all started when he started showing his true colors." Arnav spoke.


Arnav and his mom where thrown into the basement for two days without food and water they where all are drained out.

"Mom am thirsty." Arnav whispered ,his throat was dry.

"Arnav be a strong boy okay let's endure it for another day." Ratna said to his son.

He just nodded , that's when they heard the door rustling and arnav held his mother tightly. They knew that the man outside would do to them, the door flew open and they saw a Lady.

"Hello ratna ." The person whispered

Ratna was quite till she saw the face and gasped.

"Divya?" She whispered

"Oh sister in law I don't like Divya it's ivy." She whined.

"Come let's get you out of this shit." She helped ratna up that's when she saw little Arnav.

"Hey kiddo am your aunt ivy." She said stretching her hands for handshake.

"Arnav." He whispered, Divya smiled and helped them to the hall.

She brought a first aid and treated their wounds , she prepared dinner for them and helped them up to take their bath. She made sure they had a perfect nap.

Evening time

Ratna was worried arvid would show up at anytime.

"Why don't you leave this shit house ratna Didi." Divya said.

"I can't leave, he promised to kill my son the day I step foot out of this house." Ratna didn't want his only son to die.

"But Didi he maltreats you, sleep with other ladies and even abuse little Arnav ." Divya was furious.

"Dear don't worry about us we okay , where is he?" She said looking around her surrounding.

"I came to visit yesterday and I saw him with another lady, I asked of you but he didn't give me an answer, I threatened him and he told me where you where and besides he left for business meeting." Divya reassured him.

"When would he be back?" Arnav spoke for the first time.

"In a month." Divya responded and they all sighed.

The house turned into  home since Divya came and  now they we're kind of happy.

Arnav and Divya would play hide and seek , plant flowers and even paint, Divya was a fun of fashion so she taught arnav how to draw.

A dreadthful day came when arvid returned home, he always insults ratna and arnav but never touch them because of  Divya.

Divya stayed with them for ten months before she her dream university accepted her, the day she was about to leave ratna and arnav knew that their day it's over.

"Arnav don't cry okay, it would just be a glimpse I would be back in no time." Divya assured crying Arnav.

"Aunt ivy he would start again." Arnav whispered.

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