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Arnav entered the Raizada mansion whiles smiling he even forgot to acknowledge his family presence.

They were busy preparing Akash engagement ceremony, that would be held tomorrow.

"Arnav, you need not to go to office tomorrow." Anjali said walking towards arnav.

"Why wouldn't I go to office." He asked her sarcastically,but she didn't seem to notice.

"Tomorrow is Akash engagement and you need to be present." She smiled sweetly.

"Okay, what time is it." He asked her.

"Morning 10 :00am till 3:00pm." She sounded like she was thinking.

"Okay I would work from home when it's time you send Hariprikash to fetch me." He smiled then left.

Next morning

He was taking his bath when he heard his phone ringing,who could it be.

He came out in his shorts and white t shirt. He smiled when he saw the caller ID.

"Yes khushi tell me."he was trying not to laugh.

"Arnav please don't fire prito okay,she is sorry okay she has agreed to keep it safe." Khushi was worried for her friend.

"Prito,who is prito." He asked feigning ignorance while suppressing his laugh.

"Priyanka, I called her prito since my childhood, please arnav she looks like a ghost today her eyes are red,she refused to eat food." Khushi whined.

"Hmm" he said

"Hmm only hmm." He heard sobbing and knew the girl was crying.

"I would not  fire her okay, she should make sure not to mix personal problems with professional and tell her she should take the day off today ,I would meet her in the office tomorrow and I hope she heard cause I know the phone is on speaker." He responded and sat on his recliner to have breakfast.

"Okay thanks,have a good day."

"Same." The line disconnected and he called Aman and they started their work.

He was about to rap up when Hariprikash called him

He changed his clothes to suit and went downstairs. His family was running up and down.

"Arnav come sit on the chair." He just did what Nani told him

There was this two ladies that was looking at him and he felt uncomfortable .Nani saved him.

"That's arnav our eldest son." Nani introduced him.

"Arnav Singh Raizada." He spoke flatly

"We are payal's family am her aunt and she's her mother." Madhumati spoke.

"But dear where is your wife." Madhumati asked curious making arnav stiff.

"I don't have and am not planning on having." The way he spoke send a message that he doesn't want to talk about it.

She shut her mouth and they changed the topic.

The ceremony started with people coming in to witness Raizada second son getting married.

Payal and Akash changed rings and everyone hooted, foods and drinks were served.

The party came to an end and everyone started departing, arnav was heading to his room when he heard whispering and walked towards it.

That's when he heard madhumati and  payal together with her mom talking.

"We are in trouble sister." Anya spoke

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