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Delhi women's prison

"Anjali my dear I told you you would be back here with me darling." She taunted and Anjali rolled her eyes, she grabbed her chin forcefully.

"Never in your life time here roll your eyes at me young lady, am the boss here and you need to respect me." She spat on her face before pushing Anjali harshly on the floor.

"Now be an obedient girl and make my bed for me." Mama said gently, Anjali rushed and started cleaning.

"Anjali you have work to do." The police officer spoke opening the cell.

"Huh." Anjali was surprised.

"Don't act dumb you stupid woman I have no time for you, you where given hard labor woman now get your lazy ass up." The officer snarled.

She was dragged to the kitchen, with some few mates.

"Scrape everything here and if you make a mistake you are a dead meat." The officer warned, Anjali looked at the dirty big pan with sauces all over, did they expect her to do that.

She washed it anyhow and told the lady she has finished but she received a dirty slap.

"It's this how to clean utensils woman." She screamed.

"But I have washed it." Anjali complained.

"You call that washed huh, you piece of trash for that am giving you another work, your fellow colleagues would have wished to get what you had." She dragged her the the toilet and Anjali gagged.

"See this it's public use when all immate are in the compound, wash it thoroughly all the toilet seat and the pieces of poops there." She ordered and anjali started crying.

She scrubbed all the dirty toilet and clean it, even if she was done she was told to do it again, by the time she finished her bones where aching and she needed sleep. She was sent back to her room.

She quietly went to her bed but mama stop her.

"You are sleeping on the floor." She said and anjali gape.

"Don't give me that look, you are sleeping on the floor darling and no blanket, you disrespected me and that's your punishment."  she pushed her to the floor.

Anjali muffled her cries what has she gotten her self into.

Delhi Men Prison

Shyam had woke up that day and realized he was in the main prison of Delhi, he wanted to go mad. How did it happened? His end has come.

Today he went out for fresh air and didn't realize he was surrounded by people he knew and color drained from his face.

"Shyam Jha what a pleasant surprise seeing you hear former boss." The former police officer said.

"And my dear right hand man who betrayed me." Another person said.

"You fooled me and made them imprison me when I was 18 years old and you would pay for it." The younger one said.

"Not only that you killed my daughter and frame it on me." Someone said behind shyam.

"You would pay for what you Did to us." The younger one said.

"Everyone leave." The man who was framed for killing his daughter ordered and everyone scattered.

Before shyam could realise, blows. He was given a nice amount of punch and beaten all round, he couldn't fight because he was too weak because of arnav fiesco.

He was laying down on the fall with bruises and blood, the prison officers rushed and made the medics send him to imfirmary.


Bhabaji mansion

The door bell was rang and the servant went to open the door what he saw made him faint and bhabaji held him.

"Bring water." He ordered and a servant came running with a glass of water, the glass fell and scattered when he saw a ghost according to them.

The others heard the commotion and came down, they all gasped and pinched themselves.

"Am not Dead and am not a ghost dear workers." Bhabaji said and laughed.

"I  fake my death so I would see the true colors of my family , please go back to work sorry for the the commotion, would you please wake him up." He said pointing at the unconscious servant, they sprinkle water on him and he got up screaming ghost ghost and everyone laughed at him, they clarified him and he sighed in relief.

"So what would you do now boss." Mr Abhinav spoke.

"Prepare our flight to Delhi tomorrow as for now am visiting madhumati." He said.

Kolkata ladies prison

"Madhumati you have a visitor." The prison officer said, she was surprised who might it be.

When she got there she screamed.

"What is it woman." The officer rushed in.

"Ghost, see ghost." Madhumati said.

"He isn't a ghost, woman up lady." The lady left annoyed.

"You aren't seeing a ghost stupid woman." Bhabaji said.

"You are dead, you are dead." She spat.

"Am not Dead madhumati, I faked my death to see your real colors." He spat.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"I knew you lied to me about khushi being a prostitute and marrying a rich man for the sake of money, did you think I was dumb, I just acted shocked and got heart attack, I even faked being in coma and heard all your conversation, you think I wouldn't know when khushi it's married, I had spies who it's at every corner, I thought maybe you used that money to take care of khushi and payal but you took that money for your selfish reasons,even after bringing you to my house you still wanted more and that it's where your distraction started, I wished Arya and Payal where here when I speak to them, I never thought that would be their end, they started their own death game and ended it with their lives, you here you are going to rot in prison. You didn't know I was the one that hired your brother in-law to bring your truth, Arnav had already asked my lawyer to report your deeds with evidence to put you behind bars and I just happened to find your brother in-law and besides arnav doesn't even no am alive." He finished staring at her, madhumati couldn't belief her eyes so when they plotted everything against khushi he heard and saw and chose to keep quiet for the right time.

Bhabaji didn't even allow her to talk and he left but before he spoke.

"I hope you enjoy the rest of your life in prison." Bhabaji smirked and left, was dragged back to her cell.


Raizada Mansion

Everyone had their supper and was having a family Time when akash spoke.

"I have found someone I love." He said in a go and Nani and Mami gape.

"Huh?" Manorma was perplexed.

"You mean you have found someone you love?" Mami asked in disbelief.

"Yes and I want to get married." He said and everyone gape, khushi gave arnav a I told you so look and he opened his mouth.

"And who it's this girl, you have to introduce her to us." Nani spoke smiling at Akash.

"She would be here in a minute." The bell ranged and someone came in.

" She it's actually the one." Akash said blushing and even the girl couldn't look at their eyes because of embarrassment.

"PRITOOOO!!!!!"  Everyone screamed.

Thank you

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