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"Aarav it's the last time am calling you." Arnav warned

"Dad am here." He said, running across the stairs.

"Finally." Arnav murmured.

"Dad where is mom." Aarav asked.

"She is already in the car, let's go." He took aarav's wrist.

"Oh okay." He left with him.

"Arnav what took you so long to come." Khushi said.

Aarav and khushi sat at the back whiles arnav sat in front with Mohan.

"Aarav." He said.

"Aarav what took you so long." Khushi asked him.

"Nothing." He murmured, khushi knew something was wrong but she didn't mind.

"Khushi I hope you are ready?" Arnav asked khushi.

"Yes am ready." Khushi whispered.

"So I am ,I would show those people not to mess with my mother khushi Singh Raizada." He said making khushi and Arnav laughed.

"Aarav boy, you are too little to fight them okay." Khushi said.

"Ounch mom, am hurt with what you just said." Aarav held his chest.

"Aarav she isn't joking." Arnav said seriously.

"Am also serious, I Aarav Singh Raizada there by pledge to protect my mother from monsters." He recited.

Khushi hugged him and kissed his cheeks.

"You shouldn't do that mom otherwise dad would kill me." Aarav complained.

"Kill you? What did you do?" She asked, arnav was looking at them through the mirror.

He whispered to her ears.

"He doesn't like it when you kiss my cheeks, I mean he is jealous that you kissed me instead of him." He said.

Arnav knew what he said he pretended he didn't listen.

They got to the airport and Mohan moved to a different direction, khushi was confused.

They got to private jet and arnav came down and opened the door for khushi then aarav.

"Woo dad are we going to ride this." Aarav asked in disbelief.

"Yes we are." Arnav answered him.

"Arnav who is it for?" Khushi was curious.

"It's just one of my toys." He said making mother and son gape.

"Holy shit." Khushi sweared.

"Khushi language." Arnav warned.

"Dad you are super I mean super cool." Aarav was happy.

They where ushered into the jet.

"Wow beautiful." Aarav murmured

"Nice." Khushi said smiling.

"Dad can I go over there." Aarav pointed to the screen popping out, he nodded and rushed there.

"Khushi please sit." Khushi sat beside the window and arnav sat beside him.

"ASR what would you have." The lady said licking her lips whiles staring at arnav.

"Water and fruits." He said flatly.

"Okay I would get that for you." She said that's when Aarav spoke.

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