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"Khushi am so proud of you." Arnav said hugging her.

"I only gave her a peace of advice." Khushi said.

"And besides she doesn't seems like someone who is closed to her son." Khushi was thinking.

"And Anjali trying to tell  everyone that am  called ASR." Arnav gritted.

"Don't mind her ,am just wondering what they are planning." Khushi laughed.

Sheetal went to the bathroom to call shyam.

"Your pathetic wife is so annoying, she wouldn't shut her mouth at the right time and speak when needed." Sheetal complained.

"Calm down I would talk to her but first tell me how is aarav copping." Shyam asked.

"That boy would be the death of me he doesn't listen to simple instructions." Sheetal grits her teeth.

"What did he do again." Shyam asked.

"I told him to stay away from khushi but today he defy me." Sheetal said.

"That's even a good idea." Shyam said.

"Good idea? How?" She asked confused

"Being close to her would make them bond and his loneliness would make her pry more into your life that's when the other plan works in." Shyam suggested.

"Oh brother, you are the best." Sheetal praised him.

"I have to go , got some whore down waiting for me, you know." Shyam said.

"Gross , bye." She disconnected the call and left to the bedroom and saw aarav already asleep and she lay beside him.

Next morning.

"Aarav hurry up or we both would be late." Sheetal shouted.

Everyone came down to have breakfast prepared by khushi.

"Khushi at least let Hariprikash help you a little." Nani suggested and khushi smiled.

"Nani am okay and don't worry about me it's my duty as the bahu of the house." Khushi said proudly.

They all quietly ate then sheetal got up with aarav.

"Let's go ." She motioned him

"Arnav why don't you take sheetal with you since you work in the same office." Anjali asked.

"Tell Mohan to use the other car for her but she following to work am afraid that won't work ." He said.

Sheetal nodded she had a call and received the call, she talked non-stop when she finished arnav spoke.

"Employees are supposed to be at the office by 8:30 am and it's 8:15 you do not have much time on your side if I were you I would run." Arnav said.

"But arnav I have to drop Aarav at school." She complained.

"It's ASR for you only my close ones have the right to call me arnav and about dropping Aarav , khushi would do it." Arnav said making khushi surprised.

"Arnav it's that how to treat our guest." Anjali was fuming.

"Anjali....not in the mood for you, sheetal five minutes have passed already." He spoke making her rush out.

"Aarav you go with khushi." He said to the boy and he nodded.

Arnav went towards khushi and kissed her forehead before leaving for office.

"Arnav at Least if you don't care Nani and I are present what about the child." Manorma said.

"Am not a child am a big boy." Aarav said making everyone laugh.

"Aarav let's go." Khushi went with aarav.

"Khushi mam, would you come pick me up?" Aarav asked when they got to the school.

"Of course I would, your mom would be busy at work so I would." She stated.

"But won't you be busy." Aarav said.

"Yes I would but I will definitely come pick you up even I have to let my client wait." Khushi smiled.

"Aarav let's go and introduced you to your class say goodbye to your mom." The teacher said, khushi was about to say she wasn't his mom when aarav signal her to shut up.

"Bye Mom." He shouted and grinned.

Khushi laughed and left for work.

Arnav's office.

Arnav reached the office and saw sheetal panting for air. He sighed, someone just batch in.

"What the!" That was the only thing he said.

"The what?" Prito asked.

"You stupid fool don't you know how to knock." Arnav mocked.

"Bai its me you are calling fool, you never even called me when I was in that hell hole." Prito complained.

"Hell hole?" Arnav was confused.

"The little island you threw me for that photoshoot." She said.

"Oh I almost forgot about you guys, how was your trip and How is Mrs Divya." He asked.

"You are only worried about your old lady." Prito joked.

"Am having a headache because of you so leave I have a lot of work to do." Arnav said stern.

"Oh my heart." She feign hurt.

"It's not working on me , out." He said she brought out her tongue and Left.

"This crazy girl would be the death of me oneday." He whispered before going back to work.

Khushi went to Aarav school and picked him up, they had lunch before and went to khushi's work place.

They where laughing whiles entering the hall.

"Aarav I would have come pick you up I was so caught up in my work that I forgot." Sheetal made an excused.

"Mom don't worry khushi mam would  always pick me up right." Aarav asked khushi.

"Right." She responded.

"Pinky promise." He said and khushi brought her fingers and they did pinky promise.

Mami and Nani was awed by their bonding , sheetal smirking and Anjali fuming.

"Khushi mam said I should wait for her so she could help me solve mathematics." Aarav said, everyone was around having family Time.

"Let me see whether I can help you." Anjali collected the book then she frowned and gasped.

"What? This is difficult too difficult, aarav take you book." She handed it back to the boy.

"Anjali if you knew you couldn't do it why did you take it at the first time." Arnav said making her embarrassed.

"Aarav let's start." Khushi walked towards him with milk

"First take this milk before we start." Khushi said.

"Eww I don't like milk." He whined.

"If you don't take the milk I won't prepare lunch box for you." At the mentioned of that Aarav grabbed the glass of milk and gulped it down.

"Let's start khushi mom." He said.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes this stubborn kid just agreed to khushi easily.

It's been 3weeks since sheetal came, khushi and aarav bond like stickers.

She sends him to school and picks him up, she even help him study and do homeworks.

She filled the place of sheetal, aarav never got this love from his mom.

The family always notice the similarities between arnav and aarav not anyone it's the cause of Anjali there's no day she doesn't talk about that.

Sheetal seems to notice how the model and ASR bond together well, she always See's them together and her evil mind clicked.

End of chapter

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