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Arnav's pov

I was confused when I opened up to Khushi by crying,for the first time I showed my weakness to someone.

I  was lost of words when I composed my self, I went to my pent house in other to avoid my family,I need a time alone because tomorrow is the death anniversary of my mom,I don't want to stay in the mansion.

Family only care about Anjali, she being a girl and not able to cope with the death of her parents at the young age, what about me? A guy they think who is tough and can withstand everything, they have no idea what am going through.

I always don't come home whenever is my mom's anniversary,I stay at my pent house and shed tears. That is the only tear I shed every year.

I walked into my pent house, took my bath prepared dinner and ate went through some paperwork, before sleeping I took sleeping pills.

Next morning
  I woked up and realize my surrounding,am in my pent house, I drank some coffee and took out my mother's photo.

Life would have been good to us if she  hadn't married that monster of a man she would have at least been alive.

I remembered all the abuse and torture we had to go through. Flash backs came like a tornado.

"Ahhhh." I screamed and started crushing every thing near me.

I was about to take alcohol when I remembered  khushi's voice.

"Don't  drink alcohol that would be bad for your health, always do push ups and drink a lot of water."

Surprisingly  I took 6o minutes deep breath,I drank  a bottle of water went and did some pushup and took my bath, I occupied my self with work then evening came and I decided to go home.

Immediatly I step foot into the Raizada mansion I saw Mami consoling Anjali and Nani silently crying.

I walked past them when Anjali spoke.

"Arnav where have you been, have you forgotten that today is the death anniversary of our parents?you never cared about this day all you do is get missing the night before the day then you come home and pretend nothing is happening." She was sobbing ,arnav fisted his hand and was about to expolode but calmed down.

"Anjali look ,not showing my emotions does not mean I don't care, infact you have no idea what I go through but I never showed it out because am the man of this family and I need to keep my emotions on check otherwise I would loose my self and you definitely no how I loose my self so don't try to lecture me." He just spoke and left without any reply from them.

Sometimes you have to fire back answers for them so they know their place, tomorrow  I have department meetings with my staffs.

Next morning, took my bath and wored my suit and came down to have breakfast.

I sat on my chair without uttering a word. I ate silently and got up to leave when Anjali called me.

"Actually am sorry by my behavior yesterday arnav, please forgive me okay ,I was only upset." She spoke on the verge of crying.

"Okay." He said in a monotone.

"Thanks." He just nodded and left.

In the office.

"So what the hell were you doing the whole of this month." I barked at finance team.

"Ac...tua..lly  we weren't prepared." He  whispered and squirming on his sit.

" You all are worthless, if you weren't prepared what the hell did you come here for." He shouted.

"I know you would also tell me the Same Mr tarko." He sighed and runned his hand through his hair.

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