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"I hope she it's okay." Khushi whispered to arnav. He layed beside her.

"Baby she would be okay , I truly understand her situation she needs the time." Arnav said.

"I want that sickening Anjali to pay for her crimes with her scum husband." Khushi said furiously, arnav pecked her lips and she glared at him.

"Baby I miss you so much, I hope you understand what I mean." Arnav raised his eye brow and khushi blushed.

"Baby I understand, come let's go to sleep, tomorrow would be a big day." Arnav said, he was trying hard to hide his boner.

He hugged her and khushi felt it,she blushed, arnav saw her reaction.

"You see why I asked you? My little friend it's craving you." Arnav teased bucking his hips to her and she gasped.

"Should I ?" Arnav asked for permission.

Khushi nodded but Arnav frowned.

"Babe words." Arnav said and khushi smiled.

"Okay." She said and he grinned, he layed in her and looked into her eyes, she was shy and arnav kissed her forehead, eyes,nose and lips.

He captured her lips into a deep kiss, he asked for entrance and she gladly accepted, they where out of breath and pulled out. He trailed open mouth kisses on her jaw down to her throat , then her cleavage.

"Arnav." Khushi moaned, arnav smiled. He massage her peaks and she grabbed the bedsheets, arnav brought out a peak and sucked it like there was no tomorrow, khushi fisted his hair and arnav liked it.

"You like it baby." Arnav asked and she nodded, he devoured her.

Their clothes where off, khushi admired arnav's body.

"Khushi touch me." Arnav demanded.

"Huh?" Khushi was dazed.

"I said touch me, I know you like my body." Arnav said and khushi blushed.

He guided her hands on his body, arnav was liking it and khushi smiled.

"Baby next time but please I can't wait any longer." Arnav spoke

He pulled her undies and she was now in her glory, she pressed her legs together to hide it but arnav opened her legs.

"Baby you are beautiful and don't hide what it's mine." Khushi gasped when she felt arnav tongue on her entrance.

"Arnav." She moaned and arnav sluppy ate her there.

"Ahh arnav ohh Arnav." Arnav smiled, he knew he was doing right, khushi held his hair tightly. He stopped and khushi looked at him confusely.

"Baby another time, right now  am throbbing with pain." Arnav said and khushi understood him.

Arnav pulled his boxers and khushi gape.

"Like what you see babe." Arnav asked and khushi covered her eyes.

"Baby open your eyes, if you don't look then who would look at it because it's yours ,so please open your eyes." Arnav said and khushi looked at him.

"Down not me." Arnav smirked and khushi glared at him.

He guided her hands to touch him.

"Arnav it's too big how come it fits?" Khushi asked innocently and arnav laughed.

"Khushi you are doctor and you would know how." He laughed.

He guided her hands to stroke him and arnav started swearting, he closed his eyes and khushi was worried.

"Arnav are you okay." Khushi asked and arnav nodded.

"Why are you swearting?" Khushi was curious.

"I like it and it's turning me on." He said.

"Ohh." khushi blushed. She looked at it weirdly when a thick little liquid sprayed in her hands.

"What is it? Sperms?" Khushi asked and arnav nodded.

"Precum, enough of questions let get to business." Arnav said.

"Are you ready." He asked

"Yh." She whispered, arnav brushed his tip at her entrance and she gasped.

He entered her slowly and she screamed.

"Baby I would take it slowly." He said whispering sweet words to her he started kissing Every part of her body, he started slowly and increased his pace.

"Arnav ahhh ..." Khushi moaned.

"Oh khushi." Arnav groaned.

"Arnav ahh am about to ... ahh." Khushi screamed.

"Let it out." Arnav said and khushi screamed hard and collapsed on the bed, arnav soon reached his peak and layed beside her.

"That was awesome baby." Arnav kissed her forehead, khushi was tired.

"Sleep baby you look worn out." She closed her eyes and arnav soon joined her.

Next morning.

Arnav woke up first and saw his wife peacefully sleeping. He admired her.

"Arnav we would be late, why didn't you wake me up?" Khushi whispered.

"I love this moment baby." Arnav said and khushi smiled.

"Let's go and take our bath." Arnav said, before khushi could differ it's meaning arnav picked her to the bathroom.

They showered together but couldn't keep their hands off each other, khushi was shy but arnav wasn't , after their bath they got dressed and went downstairs.

"Finally love birds are down, I thought you wouldn't come out." Akash spoke as Soon as he saw them. Khushi blushed.

"Mom you are never late to breakfast, what happened?" Aarav asked.

"She was tired." Arnav answered.

"Of what?" Mami asked and Akash was holding his laughter.

Everyone sat down to have their breakfast.

"Mom when would I get a sibling, I am all alone in the midst of adult." Aarav asked and khushi coughed.

"Babe are you okay." Arnav asked and khushi nodded.

"Mom as I was saying, I want five siblings." He said and khushi gape.

"Huh five? Aarav do you what you asking for?" Khushi couldn't belief her ears.

"Yes mom I want three girls to protect and two boys to hang out with." Aarav said cooly.

"Aarav don't worry she would give you five siblings." Arnav said and khushi became red.

"So the hearing it's today right?" Nani asked.

"Yes today it's Shyam hearing and tomorrow it's Anjali, since the evidence it's directly to them there it's no need for dragging the case." Arnav informed.

"ohh I hope they pay for their deeds." Mami said.


"He has left the country make sure you track him down, I want him alive, no scratches on his body. I would kill him myself when I get hold of him." Don Raveer said. He disconnected the call.

These hungry lawyers and police wants money, increased in their pay in other to do so they want me , to catch me red handed, how sickening.

I am not that lenient to anyone who dares step on my foot, those aren't ment to go scort free .

By the time am done with this Kunal guy he would regret the day he accepted the job to uncover me.

Thank you

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