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"Boss she it's the one." He asked and the man nodded.

Payal was walking out when men came and grabbed her, they immediately kept a handkerchief on her mouth and she loosed consciousness.

Delhi , Raizada Mansion.

"What do you think? his a saint." Khushi asked Anjali and she fumed.

"Of course he loves me that's why he Did that for me " she said and khushi rolled her eyes.

"Oh woman spare me, your husband here married you for money I mean Arnav's money." Khushi stated and everyone gape.

"It's not possible." Anjali shouted.

"Woman let me speak, don't keep interrupting me, shyam here wanted money and Investigated on the Raizada's, he found out about this stupid Anjali and manipulated her in getting married, he knew she hated him and that was his jackpot so he lured her more into hating arnav. And you know what he would have collected everything from Anjali if arnav was dead because he fabricated a paper transferring arnav's properties in his name." Khushi said looking straight into anjali's eyes and she fumed.

"You are a liar, shyam tell me she its lying." Anjali asked shyam who rolled his eyes.

"Your husband here it's already married to someone and the funniest part it's he knew aarav wasn't sheetal son and knew everything that was happening, infact he was the master mind behind it." Arnav said in top of his voice.

"I can't belief it." Nani was shocked.

"This it's the part you would be shocked more, shyam it's not a lawyer. His practice it's illegal ,he uses it to threatened poor girls and their mothers who are helpless." Arnav said.

",Hello hi bye bye how." Manorma was confused.

"Shyam mother runs a orphanage, when the girl's are off age ,he sells them out for sex or men, the boys are thought how to sell concane and drugs and killing." Khushi Said and Nani gasped.

Anjali couldn't belief her eyes.

"Enough!" She shouted.

"Dear sister that not all, he was the boss of the child trafficking and shyam it's the boss. Do you know who it's the boss itself?" Arnav said, he looked at shyam and smirked.

Shyam knew his end has arrived.

"Madhumati." Khushi whispered and Nani gape.

"You mean khushi's aunt?" Nani asked.

"Yes khushi's aunt, she it's the mother of shyam and sheetal." Arnav answered and everyone gape even Anjali couldn't belief her ears.

"Madhumati killed her husband when he  learnt about her truth, she was known as a kind lady who run an orphanage she owned, not knowing she does shady business , because she wanted everyone to know she resigned she kept her son and daughter In charge." Arnav said.

"How did you know?" Mami asked

"We threatened sheetal." He shrugged


"I  see you have come to release me." Sheetal smirked at arnav.

"Me? I don't think so, I have some rat that I want to get rid of." Arnav said cooly and sheetal knew the tone of his voice.

"And who would it be?" Sheetal said with confidence.

"By the time am done with the rat , you would know." He said and clapped his hands and they brought, electric gadget and she sheetal was squirming with fear.

"Connect the gadget." Arnav ordered, they connected the gadget and tied sheetal with wires and she started fighting but no one mind her.

"What do you want you moron." Sheetal fumed.

"Answers." He said

"To what?" She said

"You and your brother shyam." He ordered and sheetal smirked.

"Tskk pathetic am not telling you anything." She said and arnav smirked, he made them bring a bowl of liquid and cane.

"If you don't tell me, would you rather have your face destroyed by this bowl of acid or your body to be whipped by this electrical cane or you want a straight death of electrocution, choose." Arnav said and sheetal became afraid.

"Please don't do anything to my face, I don't want to die." She shivered.

"Then the choice it's yours." Arnav said folding his hands.

"What do you want to know?" She asked.

"Everything,from your childhood to now every thing and if miss a word am warning you you would face the aftermath." Arnav threatened.

She narrated everything to him how madhumati being her and shyam mother and orphanage and businesses.

"Okay then ,I would see you around. Don't do anything stupid in the prison, walls have ears and I know what ever you are up to." Arnav warned and Left.

End of Flashback

"Shyam is it true?" Anjali was shaking, she felt betrayed.

"Of course it is dumb woman, I tolerated your nonsense for so many years and a half minutes ago everything would have been mine if arnav didn't show up." Shyam fumed.

"So you knew madhumati and pretended like nothing and decieved everyone?" Nani  was in disbelief.

"Old woman of course why would I open my mouth, idiot" Arnav slapped him hard. He punched him.

"Arnav that's enough." Khushi said pulling him.

"So those time you went for trips it was because of your shady business." Anjali was in shock.

Shyam got up to run when Akash shot him and he fell down.

"Oh my God Akash you killed Shyam." Anjali shivered.

"Oh Anjali that was just a sedative I shot him, he would be awake in prison." He said.

They took shyam out with the help of the police.

"Arnav am sorry please forgive me." Anjali said.

"Forgive you my foot, you planned to kill me, what have I ever done to you." Arnav barked.

"Arnav am your sister." Anjali said

"You are not my sister and you would never be my sister." Arnav barked.

"What are you talking about?" Anjali said.

"You are not my real sister, you where  exchange with my sister when you where a baby." He said making Anjali and the family confused.

"Arnav what are you talking about?" Nani asked.

"I just found out that Anjali it's not my biological sister but an exchange." He said.

"What rubbish, if am not your sister. Then who it's? She fumed.

"Me." Prito spoke coming into the house.

"Rubbish you are just a named sister." Anjali fumed.

"That's where you are wrong Anjali, you are not the daughter of arvid and ratna but a maids." Divya said coming inside.

"WHAT!!! " everyone shouted.

Thank you

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