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WHAT!!" They all said at the same time surprised.

"What the hell it's happening to this family." Arnav muttered under his breath annoyed and Raveer chuckled.

"Can you please enlighten us here Mom." Raveer said and nandini sighed Nani was looking at Arnav with guilty eyes.

"Nani don't look at me like that." Arnav warned.

"When Ratna gave birth to Anjali as we all know Prito, everyone was happy that she gave birth but subsequently when ever she picks a seed she gets miscarriage. After every attempt arvid was fedup with ratna calling her useless.

Fortunately and unfortunately, Ratna and Nandini got pregnant at the same time and when Ratna gave birth her child was already dead and the doctor said her womb was destroyed so she was rushed to the theater. Ratna was devastated when she learnt she couldn't give birth again at that time Nandini gave birth to twins without her husband knowledge, she felt the pain her twin was going through and decided to give out one of the boys but Ratna refused. She told Nandini she already had Anjali and it wasn't good for her to collect Nandini child but Nandini was adamant and threatened Ratna of killing herself and she accepted the child who it's now Arnav." Nani spoke looking at Arnav who frowned and runned his hand through his hair, Raveer saw that.

"ASR please calm down, have some water." Raveer offered him and arnav gulped the water down. Raveer signaled Nani to continue.

"Arvid had no idea ratna gave birth and loosed her child, he never even visited her. He even took custody of Anjali and threw Ratna out of the house. Ratna was sad of leaving Anjali but she was happy to take care of the new born baby. She took care of him as if her own and loved him unconditional till arvid father told him to bring Ratna back otherwise he would not get a dime and that's when he took arnav and ratna in.

Nandini on the other hand left to her home and found her husband on bed with a woman. She was devastated but didn't let it out, she was always abused with the new born, when the kid grew up he maltreated him and you Know the rest it's history." Nani said.

"Am okay with everything but it's arnav that we need to give some time." Raveer spoke and arnav was surprised.

"So you are my mother?" Arnav asked Nandini and she nodded.

"What a complicated family, you know it's all a new information to me, I can't just accept you, I now understand prito when she was decieved her whole life, I now understand her reaction. Nani am not angry with you but at least you could have let me know it wouldn't cause harm to, if she hadn't come and looked for you then you would have kept the secret till we all perish from this world." Arnav stated, Nani was sad.

"I understand your situation Arnav but telling you doesn't mean I want you to accept me immediately as your mother,no. To you am your aunt, the twin sister of your mother Ratna, I gave you out to her because of her loss and she taking you makes you her son, no matter what we do she it's still your mother and no one can change it okay boy, we only want you to accept us as your family, we wouldn't be that putting pressure am only glad I met you all and I wished Ratna was here today." Nandini said and arnav just stared at her, Raveer hugged Arnav just to give him a little support.

"Nani, everyone we are leaving." Nandini said and arnav was surprised.

"We would visit soon again, we stay in Delhi to. We would soon visit, Raveer let's go." Nandini said, manorma was just an observer, she already said a storm was about to happen and it really did happen.

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