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4years later

Raizada Mansion

"Mom I swear if you don't tell Ankush to stop I would cane him." 14years old aarav spoke and khushi giggled.

"Mom am serious, they are pain in the ass, what sought of behavior it's that." He said frustrated.

"Son you have to endure everything, if they do anything you don't like, you discipline them." Khushi said and aarav sighed.

"What's going on here." Arnav asked with his wet hair. He just came out from taking his bath.

"It's the triplets, they are making it hard for him." Khushi said through laughter and aarav frowned.

"Ohh aarav dear, don't worry I would give them what they deserve right now would you excuse your mom and I." He said winking and aarav laughed.

"Eww dad  at least let me go out first, bye." He run off and arnav laughed. He looked straight into the eyes of khushi and she blushed

"Arnav." Khushi blushed

"Tsskk  khushi, am admiring my wife." He said coming towards khushi with only his towel around his waist.

"Arnav ."she said and he shut her mouth with his lips.

The kiss was sweetly slow till it went further. Arnav groaned and layed khushi down. He never left her lips, when they where short of breath they pulled out.

"I love you khushi, you are my wife and the woman of my dreams. I have the right to admire and love you khushi." He whispered kissing her nose.

"Arnav I love you, am glad I became your HEALER and now your husband." Khushi said kissing his cheeks and arnav pout.

"You should have kissed my lips khushi." He whined

They where lost in their moment and when they where about to go further they heard Arshi voice and arnav groaned.

"It's like the kids always know when to disturb." Khushi said sarcastically and arnav laughed.

Arnav got up and went to wear his clothes.

"Mom Ankush and Arush said they would not play with." Arshi whined crying and khushi sighed.

"Ankush!! Arush!!" Khushi said in a stern voice and they came inside putting their heads down without making eye contact with their mother.

"Look at me you two! " She said and they raised their heads, they all gulped because they know this face.

"I told you Arshi it's your little sister, always protect her and be good to her that includes playing with her, Don't Tell me she only plays with dolls, you can play with her with your cars and toys, that would make her happy." Khushi lectured.

"Am sorry maa." Arush whispered

"Ankush!" Khushi said in a low voice.

"Sorry." He whispered

"You all can leave Ankush stay back." Khushi said sternly.

"Am sorry maa but sometimes she it's a cry baby." He whined

"Does not an excuse Ankush, even still you apologize to her, ask her why she it's crying and tell her sorry even giving her Sweet to shut her mouth okay Ankush." Khushi said and he smiled.

"Yes mom, I would do that." He kissed her cheeks.

"Ankush why don't you always listen to your brother Aarav." Khushi said and he gulped.

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