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"You have to pay me the two crore remaining that it's what you promised me."  Kunal threatened Payal.

"Am not giving you a dine, are you blind or what or it's your memory lost, they took away everything I had so what do you want because I have nothing." Payal yelled.

"You should have seen this coming all along, I never knew it was the Raizada's that you manipulated but when I heard their name I knew I would loose the case and this is first in history that I have lost a case on thanks you." Kunal was furious.

"It's it my fault, you also wanted money, now I have to go." Payal took her bag and Kunal grabbed her hand.

"No no , not so fast dear you have to pay me back and since you are manwhore you can pay me with that." Kunal smirked.

"You son of a bitch." Payal was about to slap him, he fisted her hair tightly in his hand, dragged her and locked the door, he pushed her to the floor.

"You would pay for." She started struggling but he tied her hands backwards and stood with his lower body facing her face.

"You made me loose my respect from the judge, I broke devastating record today and I lost two crore so you either suck my dick or suck my dick." He opened his zipper with his boxers and shove his little friend into payal mouth, he shove it down her throat.

Payal gagged, she tried biting in his dick but he slapped her hard and pushed it down her throat, he didn't even let her recover, he continued to buck his hips on her throat till he spilled his juices down her throat.

"Swallow it." He ordered and Payal refused, he pressed her nostrils and closed her mouth ,she had no option than to swallow.

She got up to leave and he laughed.

"Am not done with you payal." He smirked making payal glared at him.

"Don't give me  that look, I know you are turned on." He didn't allow her to speak so he grabbed her , pushed her towards the wall and opened her zipper with her undies.

He shoved his little friend into payal and she tried controlling her moans.

He groaned and thrusted in a faster speed, payal was muffling her moans.

"You can scream payal the door it's room is sound proof." He whispered in her ear.

He thrusted inside her more making her moan loudly.

"Do you like that bitch." He choked her throat making her nodded.

"Word." He threatened.

"Ahm oh oh yes faster Kunal faster, ohh ummm." She moaned .

"I see you are enjoying it." Kunal smirked he thrusted in more and he felt his body about to shoot out.

"Ohh am cumming  oh ooooo ahh." Payal screamed and had her orgasm so as Kunal.

He detached himself from her and smirk, he wore his pants and sat on his chair like nothing happened.payal to got dressed.

"Now I have gotten what I want bitch, go your way ,and if we cross paths again, you pretend like we have never seen each other." Kunal smirked.

"Ohh dear lawyer you had no idea I wanted to fuck you so bad when I entered into your office, if I didn't want to have sex I would have open the door but I pretended to struggle,tssk and you where right,I was turned on my sucking your little friend and my wish of banging you had come true so it's a win win situation after all, bye." Payal smirked and blew a kiss at him before going out.

Kunal gape at her, so she wanted it all along, she it's definitely a manipulator and cheat.

Bbabaji Mansion

"Now where the hell do you think you are coming from after giving out our restaurant freely." Madhumati asked.

"Oh mom not again, I was just paying back my lawyer his two crore." Payal said

"What? You have money that you had to pay him? How selfish." Arya fumed.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that mom, you think if I had that crore I would have given it to him, task no way, I wouldn't do such a thing." Payal fumed.

"Then where the hell did you get money to pay him." Arya asked.

"I fucked him , simple and did you think if I had won the case I would have given him two crore I would have just seduce him into having sex." Payal said leaving her mother's premise.

"Oh I want  to tell you that i would start my game of trapping men for money otherwise we would have no luxury, thank God the old man gave us a roof under our heads and food, bye am tire." She left to her room.

"I warned her not to do anything stupid but she never listen to me." Madhumati said.

"Does she ,let her do what ever she wants, all we want it's money and as long as she brings money home ,there is no problem." Arya said and madhumati agreed.

(Such it's life)


Raizada Mansion

"Sir Mrs Divya came looking for you and I told her you left for Kolkata." Hariprikash told arnav.

"Okay I would call her." He dismissed him and rested his head on his recliner.

"Arnav come down for supper everyone it's waiting." Khushi tapped him.

"Hm." His eyes where still closed, khushi was about to leave when he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his laps.

"Arnav!" Khushi gasped.

"Babe let them have theirs I want to spend time with you." He snuggled his face into her hair and khushi gasped.

"You see how it feels, like fireworks are erupting our bodies." He murmured.

"Arnav." Khushi murmured

"Khushi just a little silence." He took her to the bedside and made her sit, he lay his head on her laps.

"Am tired, I need to nap for a little bit." He closed his eyes, khushi runned her fingers through his head.

"Mmmm ."arnav moaned And khushi became shy, so she stopped.

"Babe please continue, it feels so good." Arnav requested and she did it.

He slept for a short while and khushi was admiring him. He woke up.

"Babe let's go downstairs." He rose up and held her hands so she could come with him.

They went downstairs and everyone had finished eating and was having evening tea.

"Bai what took you guys so long to come down to eat." Akash teased.

"So I can't have a little moment with my wife." Arnav asked making khushi red.

"Come Khushi let's go back to our room, Hariprikash please bring our food to our little heaven, by the way where it's aarav?" Arnav asked.

"Priya came for him." Akash murmured.

"She didn't even call me nor come to inform me." Khushi was surprised.

"She actually came and went upstairs but she came back quickly with a blushing face, I wonder what she saw or heard." Akash said shrugging his shoulders and khushi wished the ground would open and swallow her.

"Akash enough of the teasing, you can go back to your room arnav." Mami giggled and arnav laughed and took his blushing wife with him.

Thank you

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