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They still can't believe their lives are now back to normal with everything that had happened to them.

Sometimes, Arnav still wonders why Anjali Did what she did? Even if the truth was out not being his sister, he would have still accepted her.

Raveer got married to jodha. Everyone was happy that finally Raveer have finally settled down with the woman he loved. The news spread everywhere that ASR's twin brother it's getting married. People where shocked at first but later brushed it away. Jodha's foaster mother was shocked when she found out that jodha married a billionaire.


Raizada mansion

"Get the the door Hariprikash." Arnav said.

The family was having their  evening time as usual with prito and Akash being present.Raveer, jodha and Nandini where spending their weekend in Raizada mansion.

"Who is it Hariprikash?" Arnav asked.

"There's this lady there claiming she's jodha's mam mother." When he said Raveer fumed and jodha became anxious, Khushi squeeze her hands assuring her.

"Let her in." Raveer said and smirked, Everyone was confused except Arnav who was laughing in his head, he knew the hotness of his twin.

"Oh my jodha am sorry for ever causing you harm." The lady rushed to hugged jodha and Raveer stopped her.

"Hey woman, who the hell gave you the audacity to come to my home and in all to touch my wife, the last Time I remembered you wanted nothing to do with her." Raveer raised his voice and everyone flinched.

The kids weren't present, they are all with Divya in London spending their holidays with their Grandma so that was a bonus for Raveer.

"I didn't know what came into my mind jodha, you know I didn't Know you married a fucking billionaire jodha." She said and jodha fumed.

"So now that you know you came to see with your eyes whether it's true or not, you have seen for yourself ! Now you may leave as you came in, the door it's that way." Jodha said calmly and Raveer smiled, everyone smiled and the woman gasped.

"Jodha it's me your mother.. jod.." before she could complete, she flinched at the sound.

"I SAID LEAVE!!" jodha screamed on top of her voice even Raveer was shocked.

"Leave before I loose my patience woman, she said leave or how about you spend the night at jail or maybe two months, five,six? No! I think the rest of your life in prison." Raveer said calmly and the lady rushed out.

"Come here sweetheart." Raveer pulled jodha into a hug, she sobbed.

"Shhh baby don't cry, you have done well. Don't waste your tears on this piece of shit. Don't stress your self the doctor said it isn't good for your condition." He said

Jodha it's seven month pregnant.

Evening time

Akash and Prito's room

"Finally all drama it's gone." Akash said.

"Yeah all it's gone. Babe let's burn the candles." Prito said sweetly and smirked, Akash giggled.

Arshi's room

"Arnav I need to tell you something." Khushi said nervously and Arnav raised his brow.

"Take this." She handed him a file, when he flipped through, he smiled and hugged her.

"Khushi you are expecting my baby, our baby." He hugged her.

"Come here." He pulled her into a deep kiss.

"Thank you baby for giving us this joy." Arnav said.

"And thank you for loving me unconditionally, and thank you for giving me this joy." Khushi whispered.

"That calls for a celebration." Arnav smirked and khushi laughed.

End of Flashback

Few months later

     Jodha gave birth to a baby girl who they named as Veera. Raveer was happy to hold his bundle of love with his lady Love.

Arnav became extra possessive of pregnant khushi, what ever she needs he does it for her which makes the family laugh at the duo.

Aarav and his three siblings bond becomes unbreakable. He loves them unconditionally and so do they irrespective of their blood.

Prito and Akash went back to London. Akash was still in charge of London and prito was still her model.

Anjali becomes miserable in prison. As boss promised, her life was a living hell, she attempted committing suicide several times but was rescued.

Nani was happy that her family it's now complete.


Thank you guys for all your support, kindness and patience throughout this book from day one to the end I say thank you to you all and I appreciate a lot fam.

Second Arshi book would be updated soon, it's called "HIS LOVE". I hope you guys would Love it just the way you loved "HIS HEALER".


Rashida Nagumsi

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