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Everyone went back to their respective homes.

Raizada Mansion

"Ohh my goodness,52 years six months in prisonment, wow." Mami said putting her weight on the couch.

"And life in hell hole." Nani giggled

"Nani it's not funny." Akash warned.

"Am going upstairs." Arnav said and walked to his room.

Aarav went to his room,he was tired and today event it's still fresh in his mind. Everyone had retired to their rooms.

Khushi prepared food and kept it in the flask so it won't cool, she went to their room and saw arnav working on his laptop.

"Babe." He raised his head when he felt her presence.

"Hmm are you working?" Khushi asked and he nodded.

"Am going to take my bath." Khushi said and left to the bathroom.

She came out cleaning her hair Arnav stared at her, she felt his presence and turned.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing am just admiring my wife." He stated shrugging his shoulders.

"Like seriously." She went and took her phone to make some video calls to her clients.

Arnav admired his wife, he stopped working and watch her wife work how she it's careful with her words not to hurt her clients, he it's proud he met her. Khushi could feel his gaze but she decided to do her work.

Arnav got back to work, they all enjoyed  the silence in the room, they didn't know time went till aarav knocked on their door. Arnav stopped what he was doing and gestured him to come to him.

"Dad it's past supper and you and mom haven't come down so I decided to call you, I mean bring food." He said scratching his head, arnav raised his brow and aarav rushed to the door and brought a tray of food, he placed it on the table arnav was working.

"Dinner." Aarav said and arnav smiled, he pinched aarav's cheeks.

"Thanks son ." Arnav said.

"Most welcomed but dad don't pinch my cheeks again." He warned just then khushi came from the pool side.

"Aarav?" Khushi questioned

"I brought dinner for you and Dad." He said like it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh my sweet baby, thank you." Khushi pulled his cheeks and he frowned.

"Mom." He whined and arnav and khushi both laughed at their son.

They had their dinner with Aarav, eventually he didn't have his food and wanted to spend time with his parents.

"Aarav it's something bothering you?" Khushi asked, he was kind of nervous.

"Please tell us we would not do anything to you." Arnav reassured.

"Erm I wanted to stay with Grandma Divya." He said scratching his head.

"WHAT?" arnav and khushi both said and the boy gulped.

"But why? Did we do something wrong or you don't like it here." Arnav asked,what he was afraid of it's now knocking.

"No dad, you didn't it's just that she it's cool and she has a kid of my age so I wouldn't be alone and we can hangout well." He whispered and arnav sighed.

"Aarav please tell me the real reason?" Khushi begged, he gulped and stare at her eyes.

"This family it's caos." He said in a go.

"Huh?" Khushi didn't understand and arnav was just observing him.

"I mean I wasn't comfortable in the court and our family have problems, I knew you send me off there to protect me from them and am thankful for that and also I know you have been busy lately and have no time for yourself and I know you always show me how much you guys like me I  thank my stars I am your son,am not departing from you guys but am just going for ohh what do you call it dad? A break right? Am going for a break, I would visit you guys soon and am not staying there permanently but temperary I would come visit you in the weekend." He said looking at his parents.

He wasn't a fool not to notice khushi was about to cry and arnav held a strong face but he knew his father was upset. It isn't his fault but he it's fed up with all the things happening, he just wants to stay with Divya for sometime, he it's a kid for crying out loud sake but he has to behave like a mature person his decieved life and here to, he needs to clear his mind.

"Aarav." Khushi whispered, her throat was dry, she just held her self, she hugged him so did arnav, he didn't say anything but Aarav knew his father was upset but he chose not to show it.

"Okay we respect your decision, I would tell Divya to come pick you up or do you prefer we send you to her house?" Arnav asked Aarav.

"Since you going for the court hearing tomorrow, she would come pick me up since the route it's different." Aarav said, he was not happy with the way things are going, his Dad it's upset and his mom it's holding her self.

"Goodnight." He whispered, he kissed his parents cheeks before leaving their room, immediately he stepped out of the room he heard his mom break into cries, he got rooted.

"Shhh khushi please stop crying am sure he needs time to adjust." Arnav said to a crying khushi.

"Arnav I told you didn't I that he would think we don't love him enough and you see he doesn't want us." Khushi whispered, aarav was shocked of what he heard. He didn't know his mother thought of him like that.

"Khushi please stop crying, he loves both of us and understand why he wants his own space he has seen and experience a lot and needs a break out of all the drama, please be strong okay." He said and aarav smiled.

"Arnav .." khushi cried

"Am upset to, alot khushi. I have failed as a father that it's why I was upset, I failed to protect him and his insecurities has grown , please let's give him time, please tomorrow don't pull a stand okay, everything would be alright, don't worry aunt Lily would take care of him." Arnav reassured a crying khushi.

He was upset, very upset but he kept his emotions on check, why would he want to leave, he has started getting attached to him and his heart it's aching.

Aarav went to his room and cried, he cried like there was no tomorrow, his father and mother thought of his well being and here he was being selfish, he can't change his decision because it's too late.


"Boss you have arrived." The man asked.

"Why? Aren't you happy to see me?" He said sarcastically and the man shut his mouth, he signaled him to talk.

"We have found him and luckily he is staying in one of the hotels you own." The man said.

"Perfect, I mean perfect John I would reward you for your piece of information."  Don said.

"Thank you sir." He said

"Which room?" Don asked.

"298." He said and Don nodded his head.

"Ohh Kunal you where running away from me not knowing you have fell into the Lions den my dear lawyer by the time am finished with you would regret the day you decided to take my case . When everyone was staying away from it, you were the one that had metal horns that can catch Don, let's see how you would end in the clutches of Don." He spoke and smirked.

Thank you

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