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Same day, Raizada Mansion.

"Oh my goodness, I never knew all this was happening under our noses." Nani said.

"Am surprised of Anjali, I know she dislike arnav but I didn't know she was capable of Killing a soul." Mami said.

"Do you even know how much I controlled myself in front of the whole family knowing there it's two people who wants me dead." Arnav said.

"Where did Akash go?" Mami asked.

"He went to the police station." Khushi replied.

"Ohh so Akash knew everything?" Nani asked arnav.

"No I called him to help." Prito spoke.

"Oh dear I don't even know what to call you,for you have been denied your rights." Nani whispered.

"Nani am okay and am already accustomed to you guys and am glad I called arnav Bai but I can't still believe his my junior brother." Prito giggled.

"Am glad everything have settled now and they should pay for their crimes." Divya said.

"Mom can I go to my room, I need a very deep sleep." Aarav said to his mom.

"Oh Aarav so you where fooling all of us mourning the death of your father?" Mami questioned.

"Hmm grandma aren't I a good actor." He grinned and wink and manorma shook her head.

"Dear get some rest, Hariprikash Take the empty suit case back." Khushi spoke.

"Empty suit case?" Nani was confused.

"It's empty Nani, I had gone upstairs to alert them so they could come in." Khushi said.

"Ohh, khushi you need to start acting as a career, I swear you where very good,we where hell sick of your health, we thought you weren't eating." Nani said.

"Hariprikash smuggled Food to me." Khushi said shrugging.

"Khushi I need to get back to work, am going to London for a runway show." Prito announced.

"But prito.." Mami was about to speak.

"Nani I prefer you to give her some space and her flight would be in five hours time, she need to prepare before going, she didn't get chance since she was busy." Arnav said and Mami nodded.

"I have to go , am running late." She said

"Okay take care aunt." Arnav said hugging her, he embrace prito into a hug and let go.

"See you guys soon when I come back, let's go aunt." They said their good bye and Left.

"Arnav you and khushi needs rest the most." Nani turned to them.

"Yes especially khushi." Mami added.

"Nani if you could excuse us." Khushi and arnav left the premises of Nani.

"Nani it all looks like a dream, I thought that was the end of us, arnav being dead and the way anjali and her husband turned out to be." Mami complained.

"Everything it's well." Nani said.

ARSHI's room

Arnav hugged khushi immediately they stepped foot in their room, they stayed like that for a while till they broke the hug.

"I missed you arnav being apart from you for few days had made me realize how much i love you." Khushi said with tears.

"Am glad khushi, I missed you . Come here ." She shifted to him and he crushed his lips on hers, they explored each other mouths before parting out because of breath.

He layed down and khushi layed beside him.

"Let's sleep." They both cuddle and slept soundly.


Shyam woke up from his deep slamber and looked around his surroundings,he then realized what happened and he groaned.

"I see you are awake Mr jha." The prosecutor said.

"What do you want moron." He retorted.

"Answers to all my questions." He replied.

"Do you think am a fool, I am not." Shyam screamed.

"Hold your horses dear, if you are not willing to speak then u would try the hard way." He said.

Shyam was already tied with wires.

"So Mr jha tell me where your shady business it's located at." The P asked.

"I would never tell you." Shyam replied and the man just clicked his hands .

A group of well built men came in with babbed wires in their gloved hands.

"Now tell me, where is it?" The P asked shyam laughed but he was shut down by a stinging pain, he was shirtless and the wires cut through his skin but yet he didn't show any sign of answering.

They weeped him till his skin was peeling.

" I won't let you win." Shyam managed to speak.

"Bring the powder." The P ordered.

They smeared the bowl of salt on his wounds and he screamed, they poured alcohol into it.

They connect electricity where he was tied and it shooked and they off it.

He was shivering and swearting.

"I would tell you, please stop the torture." He said.

"Okay we are all ears." The P said.

"We have three branches, Lucknow it's in the orphanage, Kolkata and Delhi." He told them everything whiles in pain.

"Okay we are done, meds." The P announced.

A man came in, he Injected shyam with a drug and he began to loose consciousness gradually.

"Take care of his wounds, his trial starts in three days time." The P Said and left.

Akash nodded and was satisfied with what he did , he then left for home.

Ladies prison.

"Let go of me you bastard, am innocent." Anjali screamed to the police officer,she ignored her.

She was harshly pushed into the cells.

"Who do we have here, new be." The boss spoke.

They grabbed Anjali to the lady.

"Anjali Raizada,what are doing in prison?" The lady frowned.

She rolled her eyes and the boss got angry and slapped her hard that she fell.

"This is my prison room and am the boss and I set rules here, you abide or you get punishment in your life in here, I don't tolerate disrespect. Don't you ever roll your eyes on me, I promise to make your life a living hell since you have disrespected the mama of this prison." She threatened and Anjali gulped.

Kolkata ladies prison

They pushed madhumati into the cells.

"I never knew you where that evil madhumati, Everyone respected for your kindness and hospitality but we where all wrong of your character, you pay for killing my uncle." The police woman threatened, smirked and Left.

Madhumati sighed, she knew her end has arrived.

Thank you

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