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Today khushi went to Aarav to help him study in his room she was going through papers when she saw a strange thing ,she was curious and wanted to go through it.

"Aarav what's this." Khushi asked.

She showed him the papers.

"It might be mom's, she is always messy, putting things at the wrong place and scattering." Arnav said frowning.

"Khushi mam am going to the washroom to come." He said leaving khushi.

She opened the paper and gasped.

"Arnav Singh Raizada and aarav Singh Raizada DNA test." She gape.

"It's even possitive." She was shaking.

"It can't be true, arnav told me nothing happened." She said.

Sheetal came in and saw khushi pale face that's when aarav came out from the bathroom.

"Aarav go downstairs and watch television your mom and I need to talk." Khushi said sternly making aarav leave.

"Can you enlighten me why is that." Khushi said handing her the paper and sheetal gasped.

"It doesn't concern you." Sheetal said.

"Yes it does seeing my husband's name and aarav's matching up a DNA test, what do you think it would be? Huh!" Khushi screamed ,thank God no one was around.

"Sheetal! I need answers now or I would go down and tell everyone about you." Khushi threatened , sheetal then started crying.

"Please don't tell anyone I would tell you everything." She said

"Then speak up." Khushi heart started beating.

"What you saw is the DNA test of Aarav and ASR, I had doubts that he was ASR son,so I tried doing a DNA  test, I swear I didn't want to cause harm." She was sobbing.

"Why didn't you tell arnav long ago that he had a son." Khushi was growing mad.

"It was a mistake, in our graduation night we had a party both of us were drunk and when I later found out I was pregnant I didn't know what to do, shame was all what I felt so I run away from home for about 4years before returning, I wasn't sure he was his dad so I decided to do a DNA test." Sheetal explained sobbing.

"Then why didn't you tell arnav, the boy here always wants a father but because you didn't want to talk about that made him close his chapter." Khushi said.

"I didn't know what to do." Sheetal hiccup.

"So you would have stayed here till you left without arnav knowing he had a son." Khushi said and she burst into tears.

"Don't worry I would speak to arnav, he must take the responsibility and don't worry okay." Khushi said and sheetal nodded.

"Have a rest and I assure you arnav would take responsibility of that." Khushi looked at sheetal one more time before she left.

At night.

"Arnav I need to talk to you." Khushi said sternly.

"Khushi is something wrong?" Arnav was worried.

"Arnav I want a divorce." Khushi said flatly.

"What? Are you insane? divorce and why?" He asked.

"You have a son and I want you to take responsibility of your actions." She said sternly.

"What? Son? From where? I don't have a son! Khushi for God sake what it's wrong with you." He was confused.

"Aarav it's your son." She said and Arnav gape.

"Khushi from where did you hear that from." Arnav was loosing his patience.

"I saw your DNA match , you and aarav DNA match you are his father." Khushi said.

"That's insane." He was restless.

"It isn't , I confronted sheetal and she told me about it." She said.

"What!! How?" He was tongue tied

Khushi explained everything to him.

"Okay I would talk to her but khushi no divorce, you are going nowhere do I make myself clear?" He said.

"Okay." She nodded.

" Khushi you look tied sleep." He ordered.

She looked tired and worn out, she layed on the bed and slept.

The next morning.

At 6:00 am arnav knocked on sheetal door.

"ASR." she was shocked, khushi full filled her promise.

She allowed him enter.

"Let me see the DNA test." He requested and she handed it to him he read through it and nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me all those years that I had a son." He asked her calmly.

"Maybe you would have told me you didn't want him and I was afraid of your reaction." She said.

"Okay everything would be alright, tomorrow everything will fall in a right place." He said.

"Come here." He hugged her and sheetal smirk.

"See you later." He left and she was dancing happily.

Khushi woke up and didn't see arnav anywhere, he wrote a note.

"I had some pending work, see you in the evening and don't worry about sheetal and her son everything would be okay."

She just smiled took her bath and went downstairs.

"Nani am sorry I didn't prepare breakfast." Khushi said.

"Don't worry we are okay oh manorma ,Anjali and I  are leaving to visit a relative so we wouldn't be there till  night." Nani said.

"Okay bye." Khushi said.

She was watching the television but her mind wasn't there.

"Khushi." Sheetal called.

"Huh." She responded

"I need to tell you something since we are alone." Sheetal said making khushi nodded.

"How would I put it, arnav is cheating on you." She said.

"What? Arnav wouldn't do that his loyal." She said.

"There is this beautiful model arnav always laugh with, smile and hug her." She said and khushi gape at her.

"And not that they even kissed, I even followed them one day and they went to a hotel." Sheetal said.

"I don't belief it." Khushi was shocked.

"You have to belief me see their photos." She handed khushi the pics and she gasped.

"Arnav isn't what he looks like." Sheetal said

"Why didn't you inform me." She was crying.

"I didn't want to hurt you but I didn't want to keep it that's why I decided to tell you." Sheetal said.

Sheetal left and smirk, 90 percent of her work is done, she looked at khushi who is miserable.

Khushi's mind was restless, she couldn't concentrate on anything, she kept an empty pot on fire and covered it without putting water, Hariprikash was the one that saw it.

Even when aarav wanted to play with khushi her face was dull . Sheetal observe her every behavior and knew what is wrong with her.

Khushi slept on the recliner waiting for Arnav, arnav picked her up to the bed and kissed her forehead.

"Everything would be fine tomorrow." Arnav spoke and held her tightly and drifted to sleep.

End of chapter

This chapter I was dozing while writing it , hope you guys like it.

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