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She woke up with a jolt screaming, she thought it was all a dream.

"Arnav." She whispered,she was shaking.

"Khushi." Nani hugged her and she cried for so long that she started hiccuping.

"I know arnav it's alive, I know it Nani." She whispered

"Khushi's you have to come out of your illusion arnav its gone." Nani said and khushi was in denial.

"He it's still alive." She panicked and prito held her hand.

"Khushi please calm down." Prito was helpless.

"Please khushi." Aman whispered.

Mami was just sobbing, she didn't know what to say to khushi and Anjali and shyam where silent spectators.


Somewhere in Kolkata

"Here it's your money and don't ever bother me again." Madhumati threatened the Man.

"Hahahaha my dear madhumati you should have thought that before Killing your husband, if I don't get my money next month you are dead." The man warned.

"You know my niece isn't supporting me again and the money I used to get I don't get it so please understand." She said.

"Nope, am done talking to you. See you another time, I mean when am done with the money I would call, for now bye." He was about to leave when madhumati called him.

He turned and she shot him in the leg, the gun she used was a silent gun. The man cried in pain , they where in a circulated area.

"You witch." He cursed. She circled him and laughed.

"What? Are you perplexed? Stupid man you didn't think I came prepared,huh! Huh." She pressed on the gun wound and he hissed." She laughed.

"Say your last words before you join your brother Sameer." Madhumati smirked.

"You witch you would rot in hell woman." He shouted.

"Okay, I would rot. I agree but the problem it's you wouldn't see me rot, bye bye my dear brother in-law." She shot him in the head thrice and he died at that instant.

She laughed and smirked, she took the money and laughed.

"What? Did you think I wasn't prepared,I was prepared you underestimate a former snake in green grass criminal." She walked out of the place and looked somewhere and there before leaving.


"Madhumati I didn't know you are capable of that, the woman I loved and cherished was a facade." Sanj said with disbelief.

"What do you think I married you for? Huh? Love nope. I married you for money, money." MD Said.

"You dispicable woman, you destroy innocent kid's life, all the community thought you where a good Samaritan who offers over age orphans job not knowing you traffic them for money an d even let some be prostitute, I can't believe you." He said.

"What? Did you think I was a saint, my friend I have somewhere important to go so please excuse me." She said.

"Everyone must hear about it, am going to report you to the police." He said.

"Let's see if you are capable." Madhumati smirked.

"What do you mean?" He was confused.

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