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High Court Of Delhi

"Mr Raizada, morning." Mr sruthi greeted Arnav.

"I hope everything it's set to finish that bastard?" Arnav asked and he smiled.

"Oh my goodness, my heart it's pumping." Mami said holding her chest.

"Mami don't be , everything would be alright and besides you are not the one to worry but that bastard." Khushi reassured. Aarav was nervous too and Nani was quite.

"Akash where were you?" Nani asked a smiling Akash who sat beside them.

"I had to take an important call." He said making khushi suspect him again.

"What's wrong with him, he has been behaving strange lately." Khushi thought.

Shyam was brought into the court room, his eyes where red and he had a limping legs, he saw the Raizada's and gave them a cold look before sitting.

"Court rise." The judge entered the premises of the court, everyone got up as a way of respect.

Everyone sat back on their respective seats. Arnav smirked, this shyam does not know his end it's here.

"Shall we." The judge announced.

Mr sruthi got up and stood in the middle of room.

"Your honor I wouldn't beat around the bush I would come straight to the point, Mr jha here it's married to Anjali Singh Raizada, the family thought he was a good person but he was a criminal and a manipulator." Mr sruthi said.

"Objection my Lord, he it's supposed to go straight to the point." Ajay the lawyer of shyam said.

"Overrule, you may continue." The judge spoke.

"Thank you your honor, as I was saying, he married into the family for wealth and Mrs Anjali hated his brother so much that she wanted his downfall so she was the perfect target, he got married to her and the two started their scheming but low and behold, ASR found out, he Mr jha attempted to kill ASR so he could take all his properties to himself." Sruthi said.

"Your honor he is speaking unnecessary." He objected.

"Overrule, the next time you Interrupt him I won't hesitate to punish you." The judge warned, you may continue." He spoke.

"He hired hit men to kill his brother in-law but ASR realized it and decided to act along, i definitely know you heard the death of him few weeks ago right?" He asked and the court started nodding.

"It was to lure him to his downfall but we didn't realize he was into child trafficking, his mother was the sole mastermind who helped orphan children or street kids, not knowing they take in the kids in the fake orphanage and later sell them, he was also forcing to grown girls for prostitution so they could get money and if the girls refuses they eliminate the person by killing." He said and court gasped.

"The boys are trained into robbery and selling of illegal weapons and getting police men we investigated get killed, there are several police officers that are killed by his men." Sruthi said.

"He it's also engaged in illegal selling of drugs like cocaine, opium and cannabis." Sruthi said.

"Not only that but the illegal selling of babies in the local hospitals." Sruthi said, those in the court room as spectators where disgusted by shyam's deeds.

"He gets a rich family and marries their daughter's to get money and forged his name, he isn't a lawyer and his practice it's illegal." Sruthi added.

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