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The next morning everyone gathered to eat breakfast, the whole table was silent.

When breakfast was over arnav spoke .

"I need to tell you guys something please don't go to your rooms, everyone take a sit and don't ask me why." He said.

"Aarav is my son." Arnav said making everyone gasped.

"What?" Nani said.

"Arnav are you okay." Mami was speechless and sheetal was smirking.

"Aarav is my son that's what sheetal told me and she even did a DNA test which came out positive." He said

"But how come?" Nani asked

"I guess our graduation made us both drunk and she got pregnant." He said.

"But sheetal why didn't you tell me about it I would have personally told arnav." Anjali was angry sheetal backstabbed her.

"I was afraid of his reaction Anjali" she  Said.

"And khushi said she wants divorce." Everyone gasped.

"Khushi why do you need divorce?" Anjali was confused.

"Anjali she wants divorce because aarav is my son so I could take my responsibility and marry sheetal but I won't do it." Arnav said making sheetal gasped.

He walked towards with sheetal furious.

"You dispicable lady aarav isn't my son." He held her wrist forcely.

"You thought I was that stupid, if you have forgotten I never drink when I was in school." He screamed.

"You got drunk that day." Sheetal also screamed.

"Do you take me for a fool, that was juice , juice sheetal." He reminded he and she gasped.

"You didn't know that when we were dating back in day you always cheated on, I never let you know about that but I always Walk on you having sex with my friends and even the professors for them to pass you." He gritted his teeth.

"Aarav here isn't my son he is the abondoned son of your friend right." When he uttered that word sheetal shivered.

"You wanted money, you were broke and the only option was to spend my money, you realized I wasn't that easy nut to crack so you remembered about the boy your friend abondoned at the orphanage to marry a rich man." He was trying not to raise his hand on her.

"So you adopted him and fed him lies , your parents had no idea you had a son ,you trained him like me and my fool of a sister kept on voicing our similarities." He said.

"The fake diabetes and fake DNA test , sheetal do you play me for a fool. Of course I took the test and memorise the hospital name and made enquiry, all are false." He screamed on top of his voice.

"And on top of it all you were trying to ruin my marriage, do you know how much I went through before getting married, the one who wanted to help you ,you fed her with lies." He said.

"You told her I was cheating on her with a model and am not what I seem like right? What do you take me for?" Arnav questioned her.

"Yes you are cheating on her,I even saw you together." She said.

"Sheetal shut the fuck up! You forged the pictures." He screamed.

"I didn't." Before she realized she was slapped hard on her cheek.

"Khushi?" She was surprised khushi slapped her.

"Don't khushi me, you thought I didn't Know your motive, the day I send aarav to school and that ASR and ASR made me suspect you, I just played along I mean you are stupid." She continued.

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