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Earlier In The Day, Raizada Mansion.

"Come on here aarav, come have your lunch." Khushi sat beside him.

"Mom I ate 15 minutes ago with Nani." He answered frowning.

"Oh okay." She started eating her food.

"Mom when are they growing?" Aarav said.

"Hahahaha Aarav you have to wait patiently okay, patience moves mountains." Khushi told him and he nodded.

When she finished eating, she breastfed the kids and went back to her clients online, just when she finished she had a call.

"Hello, please who am I speaking with." She answered the strange number.

"I am Irani, Doctor of bhabaji." The man spoke and khushi became nervous.

"Erm okay, it's everything okay doctor?" Khushi asked.

"Yes, your presence it's needed at the hospital. He wants to see you, I mean ....he said you should call your husband." He whispered before disconnecting the call.

Khushi was confused and afraid. She looked at aarav and gestured him to come.

"We have to go to the hospital, please call Nani and Mami to help me out." Khushi informed and he left.

She prepared everything needed just then Nani and Mami came in.

"Nani, I need your help. Bhabaji doctor informed." She said explaining everything.

"Hello hi bye bye, no problem khushi let's go." They arranged everything and left.

Aarav, khushi, Nani and Mami where both in the car with the triplets. The car ride was silent till they reached their destination.

They where ushered into his room and when khushi saw him she gasped and bhabaji turned.

He lost so much weight and his body was pale.

"Bhabaji." Khushi whispered

"Dear am okay." He said in a cracked voice.

"Bhabaji you are not." Khushi eyes started to water.

"Don't cry dear, you now understand why I called." He playfully said and khushi started crying.

"Shhh don't cry my dear. Hello there." He greeted Nani and Mami.

"Ohh this are my grandchildren right?" He asked and Nani nodded.

"Oh old lady Don't feel pity for me. Can I carry them." Khushi gave each child to him and he  played with them before he frown.

"Aarav my boy come here, why you shy? Are you afraid of your great-grandfather?" He asked

"No bhabaji." He whispered

"Then come." He ordered and he immediately went to him.

"I have finally seen you my boy. Take care of mommy and your siblings when am gone okay. Be a good brother and play a great path for them to follow." Bhabaji whispered and aarav nodded, he was intelligent enough to know what's happening.

"Dear we would leave you two for now." Mami spoke and she and Nani left with the kids to a private room.

"Dear am sorry for not telling you. I have no more Time left. I want to see your husband ." Bhabaji whispered.

"Okay." Khushi sniffled. She dialled Arnav's number

"Arnav bhabaji ." She narrated everything and arnav immediately came with his twin.

"Khushi please don't cry okay. Please" he barely whispered and khushi nodded.

Khushi knew there wasn't much time left for him. And she knows he won't make it up to midnight.

15 minutes later

Both siblings rushed to the receptionist and they where directed towards the room.

"Khushi." Arnav spoke and khushi turned bhabaji was sipping water, when arnav saw him he gasped.

"Bhabaji? " Arnav was shocked

"Dear it's okay Arnav, we cannot change destiny, can we? No! So let it be ,my time it's up dear." He said to Arnav ,khushi cried the more.

"Arnav I want you take care of my business , everything. Am leaving everything in good hands because I Know when am gone, someone who I trust owns it. Please do me a last favor." He spoke and arnav nodded, he controlled his tears. Bhabaji it's also his grandpa just like khushi and he adores him.

"I agree bhabaji." Arnav said and he smiled.

"Raveer?" Bhabaji questioned, Raveer was astonished that the strange old man knew him.

"Do you Know me?" Raveer questioned and he shook his head.

"Who don't know Don Raveer, anyone who stays in Kolkata would know who you really are." Bhabaji said and Raveer frowned.

"Oh boy don't give me that face, I know you very well and besides you look more like Arnav and am not  dumb to know you have something to do with the Raizada's other wise you wouldn't be with Arnav right Arnav? Water." He said and khushi immediately gave him water.

He started swearting and he smiled. When the doctor checked him , he sighed.

"Arnav please take care of khushi for me and my great grandchildren for me. And Raveer don't let your issues cause trouble in family, okay. Arnav everything it's set, you now own everything and your kids to." He coughed again.

"Bhabaji." Khushi cried

"Sweetheart, am happy I have met you before am to leave and I don't regret the few times I had with you, am now joining your parents. Please don't stress your self when am gone, it's my last wish." He said breathing hard.

Khushi nodded and that was all, bhabaji was dead. Khushi cried alot.

Both Arnav and Raveer left her so she could be alone. Khushi was dragged home.


"Am going home brother, if you need anything please call." Raveer said before leaving.

Khushi took her bath, she breastfed the kids. When they slept Arnav hugged her and she poured her heart out.

Next morning

Arnav called prito and Akash and informed them about everything, I mean the drama that went through the house, he having a twin.

Prito was happy  she had another brother. They where told the sad news.

Arnav even informed  his aunt. The final rites of bhabaji funeral was performed.

It's been Four month since everything happened. Khushi was now back to herself. Arnav was busy lately with Raveer. Arnav accepted his aunt.

Arnav forgave Nani for what she did, everyone was now happy in Raizada Mansion.

Delhi female prison

Boss full filled her promise by torturing Anjali so much making her life a living hell.

Thank you

Family, I haven't end the story yet. Am left with one chapter and a short epilogue. Please feel free to tell me what you want me to add to spice up the ending of 'His Healer'. I would be waiting for results till Monday. So please tell me fast so I would be able to update soon.

And not to forget I told you guys I would start a new Arshi story after 'His Healer' . I can't wait for your feedback 😊💓 waiting family✊

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