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"WHAT!" they all said

"Yes it's true Anjali isn't the daughter of ratna but a house maid of our home." Divya said.

"You are lying , stop your lies woman arvid it's my father what bullshit are you talking about." Anjali was fuming.

"Your mother was the maid of  our home, she was pregnant as ratna was, the day she gave birth was the same day ratna gave birth. She was ambitious to let her daughter be in a rich family so she exchanged the babies on the day ratna delivered. The child she had wasn't hers ,she maltreated the child and sold the child for a rich couples who where in need of child." Divya said.

"How did you know?" Nani asked.

"I always visit her and anytime I do and ask of her daughter she gives me excuses, on her death bed she summoned me and told me everything, she always knew where the baby grewed." She said.

"That was the day I came looking for Arnav but they told me you all went to Kolkata, he met me in the office the other day and I narrated everything to him." Divya said.

"I remembered  prito overhead us she was shocked and didn't know what to do, all her life she was decieved but she was glad she has a little brother." Divya said.

"Little brother? Isn't she younger than arnav?" Mami asked confused.

"Her birth certificate was forged by her adopted parents, so she it's older than arnav." Khushi answered.

"Although I cannot still belief this little girl it's my older sister." Arnav frowned and prito rolled her eyes.

"Am your sister Arnav, they are lying. Arnav please." Anjali spoke to him.

"I would gladly accepted you if you where good, let me ask you one good question, why did you hate me so much Anjali to the extent of trying to kill me after all I did for you." Arnav shouted and Anjali flinched.

"Because you always the mumma's boy, you where the favorite of dad and mom, whenever I come home am the odd one , you all look happy without me erhh, my life was a u turn. Even I liked dad alot and it was your fault that dad died if you hadn't intervene, he would have been here " Anjali said and arnav couldn't belief his ears.

"Hahahaha Anjali you are remarkable. Do you think what you always saw was alright, let me ask you this whenever you are back from school don't you see the fear in Mom and I eyes ,the fear we had to endure before your leave before torture." Arnav shouted.

"What do you mean?" Anjali was confused.

"You never knew my mom and I where abuse since we step foot in that house, do you think we where enjoying money huh. My mom it's not allowed to talk to anyone or go outside otherwise I am the person dad would whipped with babbed wires, he would cane me, cut me with knives and and irons and you still think we where enjoying. Infact we where in hell,do you know why dad die?" Arnav screamed looking at Anjali, everyone was shocked about the revelation except prito , khushi and Divya.

"He told me to stay upstairs and I was tasty, I had to come down for water but to my surprise, he was having sex with another woman on the couch, because I saw them he heated a knife and cut through my skin, my mom threatened him to leave me otherwise he would die,he let go of me and I was told to run,she stabbed him with a knife and the time she reached the door he shot her brutally, now do you know at the young age what I went through?" He asked.

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