To stay or to leave?

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AUTHORS NOTE: HI! This is my 1st story. I don't really proofread or spellcheck. If something doesn't make sense sorry! Use your imagination maybe? Also Comments are always welcome! Now the story, sorry if it doesn't match with you I'm mostly basing it off myself but if you want something, put it in the comments. ANYWAYS....

Y/n= your name

() mean it's what someone is thinking.

(Picture above is your house)


Y/fn Y/ln was a average girl. She was a sophomore in high school, got all A's, was a drama nerd, etc. She was the youngest of 3 kids, her siblings had all moved out of the house. It was just her and her parents.


One day her parents sat her down to have a talk as they called it. "Now Y/N, you know we love you right?" They asked "Yes?" you responded. They go on to explain how they want to go on a trip to Europe, and how they want to do it before they're to old, bla blah blah. "So why does this matter to me?" You ask confused. "We want you to be able to continue living here and watch the house and stay in school here." They glance at each other "But we don't want you to stay here alone." "How will that work?" You ask. Your mom begins to explain "There's 2 options, the first is for you to move out." "And the 2nd?!?" You interrupt. "The second is for us to rent it out but whoever rents it will your parents but not really. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" Your dad asks. "So they would be like babysitters?" You say "Well not babysitters but yes kind of." Your mom says. "You'd still have your car and be able to do everything you can do with us" Your dad reassures you. "What do you think Y/N?" They ask. You ask your parents if you can have a week to decide. They agree and then start looking at flights to Europe.

The week begins to pass, you spend it looking at apartments in your small town. Your not planning on buying one but it doesn't hurt to look. Soon the weeks almost up and you haven't found an apartment you like. You start to realize the good things about this arrangement. If they are super easy going you could do a lot of things your parents wouldn't let you. And if they are awful, oh well they're not your real parents. You send a text to your mom saying "You can put the house on the rental site." 

Little did you know they had already found some people who agreed to the deal. (They're the six wives of Henry the viii, but you don't know that yet) Your parents plane tickets were booked. They were leaving in 2 weeks. 2 weeks was all you had to clean out all the bedrooms and the basement. Your parents were nice enough to pack their own room so that was one less room.

Your room was a MESS. In your mind if your room was clean it would be easier to do everyone else's. You glance around your room. All your awards were cluttering the shelves and were all over your desk. You go downstairs and grab a box. Soon you had placed all your award in the box. Y/N 1st place dog show, best actor 2016, y/n honor roll, and a whole bunch more.

Now all of your shelves were basically empty. You look around your room. What doesn't belong here? You grab all of the books on your desk and place them in the box. (Now it's clean.) You take the box up to the attic and set it in your corner. Glancing around the room you realize how empty your siblings corners are. Sadly, your remember that you'll be filling them up soon.

You go and grab another box and head into your brother's room. (Luckily the last time he was home mom made him clean it. Oh well) You begin to pack up his stuff. Take down his posters, grab his Pinewood Derby cars, all of that stuff. You fill up one box and go to grab another for his closet. He only had a couple outfits so that was a relief. Then you notice his pictures. (Those can't stay up, now I can't come in here and look at them.) You think sadly. Then you remember that all your shelves are empty. You decide you can keep 10 or less of his photos. You find 4 you like, one of him and you at his graduation. A pic of him and your dogs, a selfie of the siblings at Lagoon when he took you, and a selfie of him and you. You place them on your shelf and get into the cozy pj's he got you for Xmas last year. You smile as your look at the photos before you fall asleep......

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