Online Love

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Nathan walked into the lounge, he had just finished lectures, He swung his bag onto the couch. "Hey boys" he said "Sup mate" Louis said playing fifa, with Zayn. He looked over at Niall on his laptop "What you smiling at" Nathan asked "I met a girl online" he said "Haha you that desperate" Zayn joked "Shh" Niall said "Was it or plenty of fish" Louis teased, the other boys laughed. "Shuddup it was was on tumblr. But whatever shes amazing" Niall said "Whos the lucky lady?" Nathan asked, sitting next to him. "Her names Demi, she goes to UCLA and is becoming a doctor oh and shes beautiful" he said, "Dudes shes pretty"Nathan said "I know....but shes mine" he said "Haha don't worry dude" he said "She American ?" Zayn asked "Yeah, shes from Cali" he said. 

Over the next year. 

Niall kept on talking to Demi and they soon went into an online relationship. 


Demi walked into the lounge on her phone. "Who you talking too?" Selena asked walking into the room. "Niall" she said. "Ahh how's it going with the brit boy" Selena asked "Good. He's really sweet" she said. "How did he react about Dylan" she asked "I haven't told him..." Demi said "Dem you've been with him for a year" Selena said "I know, he also thinks I attend UCLA" she said "What?!" Selena said "We got talking about uni and I mentioned UCLA and he took it as I attended there" Demi said "Why didnt you say you weren't a student" Selena said. Demi shrugged "Demi your the cleaner, he's gonna find out soon enough" Selena said "How he's all the way in England?" she said/


Niall walked into the kitchen "Whats up mate you look down" Harry asked "I dunno...its just Demi won't skype and she only wants to talk to me on the phone sometimes. I just don't get it" he said "manybe you're being catfished" Zayn said, Nathan glared at Zayn, then looked at NIall "Orr maybe she's busy" Nathan said. Niall shrugged and sat down "Yeah I suppose...i just need to know if shes real, ya know. I've been with her for a year and everytime I brought up meeting up, she turned me down, saying she was busy"" Niall said "Well if you really want too, my aunt lives over in the Cali and i'm sure we can go over and stay at theirs, if you really want to meet her" Nathan said "You'd do that for me" Niall asked "Yeah, course. I mean all of us can go as a last holiday before we all graduate" he smiled. Niall stood up and hugged him "Thankyou mate" he smiled "No worries, i havent seen them since I was a kid anyway. I 'll give my aunt Lori a ring" he smiled "Boys holiday wooo" Harry said enthusiatically.


A Month later

The boys arrived at LAX airport, after their 24 hour flight from Manchester. "Mate i'm ready to just go to bed" Liam said "Same" Nathan said laughing a bit. They picked up their suitcases from the baggage reclaim. "My aunt Loris said she'd pick us up at arrivals" Nathan said "Great lets go" Zayn said. They all walked out to arrivals, where Lori was waiting for them "Aunt Lori" Nathan said "Nathan baby, you've grown so much since I last saw you" she smiled and hugged him "Hey Aunt Lori" he said hugging back "Oh these are my friends. Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry"  he said "Hey boys" she smiled and hugged each one of them. They all then got in the car. Lori looked in the mirror "So you guys are gonna be in the guest house is that okay" she asked "Sounds great aunt lori" Nathan said "Yeah thankyou so much for having us" Louis said "No problem hunny" she said.

Ten Minutes Later 

They pulled up into the house "Wow you're house is beautiful" Liam said "Aww well thankyou" Lori smiled "NATHAN!" a female voice shouted "Shayyy" Nathan smiled and opened his arms as his cousin ran over and hugged him "Argh dude it's so good to see you again" she smiled "You too" he said, hugging back "How longs it been" she asked "Thirteen years i think" he laughed "That's crazy" she said "Oh boys this is my cousin Shae" he smiled "Hi" she smiled and waved at them a bit. The boys all introduced themselves to Shae. "Shae show the boys to the guest house, so they can put their luggage away and get settled in" Lori said " Yeah sure follow me" she smiled. 

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