My Soldier

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Demi was in JFK departure lounge waiting for her flight back to L.A, she had been performing at NYC pride and was on her way back with her team and her best friend Marissa.  She was talking to Marissa as three men walked in with combat uniform on, they sat down opposite Demi and her entourage. "Dude that's Demi Lovato" one whispered "I know Nath calm down" another one called Max smiled "Go ask for a picture" the curly haired one said "Noo! I don't want to bother her" Nathan said. "Go on man, she wouldnt say no to a soilder" Jay said "And especially not a handsome one like you" Max teased "Haha shut up! And fine" he said nervously "Go on man you can do it!" Max whispered. He laughed a bit it and walked over, his palms sweating. "Uhmm hi" he said "Oh hey" Demi smiled brightly. She looked so beautiful, he thought to himself. "I uh was wondering if I could have a pic with you. My sisters a fan, so am i uh" he said. Demi giggled, she then stood up "No problem. Anything for a soilder" she smiled. Nathan got his phone out and took a picture of them together "Thankyou" he smiled "no worries" she smiled "So I guess you're heading back from Afghanistan" she asked "Sure am!, we've been on tour for eighteen months" he said "Wow thats a long time!" she said "Yup sure is" he smiled. "What bout you" he asked "I was doing NYC pride" she said "Oh thats cool" he smiled. Max and Jay walked over "Hey man" Max smiled "Hey oh this is Max and Jay" Nathan said "Nice to meet yall" she smiled. Demi introduced them to her team and Marissa. Jay and Marissa got talking, so did Holly and Max.

 The Tannoy came on saying.

"Please can all passengers for the 10:45 plane please make their way to the aircraft as we are now boarding". The group all walked to the boarding gate. They got on the plane "We're down that way. It was nice to meet you" Nathan said "Wait your in economy ?!" she asked "Yup" he said "Thats bullshit" she said and walked to the air hostess "Hey excuse me, these men have been in Afghanistan for the last eighteen months. The least they should get is first class, I'll pay for their seats" she said "Demi you dont have too" Nathan said "Yes I do. You guys deserve respect!" she said. "Of course Miss Lovato, we have three seats available for these brave men" the air hostess smiled "Thankyou" she smiled. The three guys followed. 

"Nath you sit next to Demi" Max said teasingly "What bout me" Holly asked "Awh sweetheart you can sit next to me" Max smiled, Holly blushed. They all sat down, Nathan next to Demi, Holly next to Max and Jay next to Marissa. 

On the flight.

Demi fell asleep on Nathans shoulder, he smiled and continued watching the tv and perched his head on top of hers. She cuddled into his arm. Max hit his shoulder lightly, Nathan looked over at Max, "haha its like all your christmases came at once right" Max whispered, as Holly was asleep on his shoulder, in the same position as Demi. Nathan nodded "yeah" and looked over at Demi. He was just in awe of her beauty. Her phone buzzed. It was from Wilmer. 

W: Hey hermosa, can't wait to see you tonight. I can't wait to hold you in my arms and kiss you :* Xxxxxxxx

Nathan rolled his eyes , she wasn't single. He should've known, she was beautiful what part of him made him think she'd want to date him anyways. An hour later they arrived at LAX. Nathan woke Demi up "Heyy we're here" he smiled gently "Oh okay, thanks for your shoulder. Its really comfy" she giggled "Its no problem" he smiled. She checked her phone and saw a message from Wilmer, she smiled a bit at her phone. Nathan became a bit jealous. He shrugged it off. She'd never go for someone like him anyway. She looked at him and he gave her a fake smile.

A Month Later.

Nathan and his family were in a restaurant in L.A. Demi and Wilmer walked in. She smiled and walked over to him "hey" she smiled "Heyy Demi" he smiled. He got up and gave her a quick hug. Wilmer looked at them jealously. "What are you doing here" she asked "Uhm its my mommas birthday" he smiled. Demi smiled at his mum "Happy birthday!" she smiled, while Nathans little sister quietly fangirled. "Uh Demi our tables ready" Wilmer said "I better let you get to your date" Nathan smiled "Yeah haha. Nice seeing you" she smiled "You too Demi" he smiled.

Wilmer and Demi walked over to their table. "So who's the dude" Wilmer asked "Oh Nath, remember the dude i told you about at JFK" she said "The soilder guy" he asked "Yeah" Demi smiled. Wilmer nodded "You're not jealous are you" she asked "No course not. Don't be stupid!" he said. Demi nodded "Riiiiiighht" she said. "I'm not!" he said. Wilmer then excused himself to go to the bathroom.

His phone buzzed on the table. It kept buzzing as it was an unopened message. Demi looked over and read 

Heyy Bae. Are you coming over tonight ? I need to be with you! Need you inside me right now. Soooo horny Xxxxxx

Demi looked at it shocked and put it down where she found it. Wilmer then walked over "You okay hermosa" he smiled. She nodded, he smiled at her. "So Eiza huh" she said. "What bout her" Wilmer asked. "You're joking right. I saw your phone Wilmer! She texted you" she said. "Yeah we are working together and what the hell are you doing looking at my phone!" he said a bit louder and more aggressive. "It was buzzing and excuse me i thought I could trust you. Just forget it Wilmer" Demi said getting annoyed, she got up and walked outside. Wilmer followed her "Demi. Wait" Wilmer said and grabbed her arm. Nathan saw what was going on and walked outside. He just wanted to make sure Demi was okay. She looked so scared, he walked over "Is everything okay" he asked "Oh fuck off soilder boy. Cant you see we are having a private conversation!" Wilmer said angrily "Yeah I wasnt asking you. Demi you okay" he asked "I'm good thanks Nath" she smiled slightly reassuring him. He nodded and walked away. 

"Just leave me alone Wilmer. You cheated. This is over!" she said tugged her arm away "Fine. be like that, you'll come crawling back you always do!" he said and strode off. Demi burst into tears. Nathan came over and placed his arm round her, "Cmon lets get you home" he said "What bout your family" she asked "You want them too come too" he joked. She smiled a bit "Your my main priority at the moment" he smiled, they walked away.

Demi got in Nathans car and they drove to her apartment. He pulled up into the apartment complex "Nath...stay with me" she said "Course" he smiled, they got out and walked into her apartment "nice place" he smiled "Thanks" she smiled. "Alot better than my place" he smiled "Haha. Awhh...thanks for tonight Nath" she smiled. "No worries, I got your back" he smiled. 

An Hour Later

Demi and Nathan were watching a film together, Nathan looked over at Demi and smiled. She was so cute, he thought. Demi looked at him, bit her bottom lip and blushed "what?!" she giggled. "Nothing" he said and looked back at the screen. Demi looked at him "Nath.." she said, "Yeah" he said turning his head back towards her. She leaned in and kissed him softly, her hand brushing his cheek. He pulled away "you sure ?" he asked "Yeah. This is what I want. The way you defended me tonight you were like my soilder. For the last month I was going after the wrong guy when it should've been you all along" she said. Nathan leaned in and kissed her lips softly one more time, before she whispered "You're my soilder" he smiled and kissed her again. 

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