Uptown Girl

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Jay and Max walked down onto the beach, with their surfboards. This was their only day off in the week and they loved nothing more than hitting some waves. "What's going on at the beach house" Jay asked "uh their filming that Selena Gomez show" Max said. Jay nodded and they then went into the ocean with their boards.

Raquelle and Selena took a break from filming and decided to take a walk on the beach, they were chatting to one another. A guy in the ocean then caught her eye, he was surfing into the shore. He picked his board up and came out. He grabbed a water bottle, dried his hair and took a swig of water. She couldn't help but notice his athletic physique, she bit her lip. Selena nudged her playfully as she blushed. Jay noticed her and smiled at her. She smiled back and waved at him. He waved back and then took his board back to the ocean.
A few nights later.

Jay walked into his local bar and greeted his friends Max and Siva. "Hey boys" he smiled and hugged them "hey man" Max greeted him "sup man" Siva said. Jay ordered a beer and sat down at the table "so what's the plan for tonight" Jay asked. "Nath has got that new job at that fancy bar in uptown la. He said he put our name on the door" Siva said. "Oh awesome, well have a few here and then head down" he said.

Raquelle arrived with some of her friends at a new bar in LA. It was the first night she'd been out in a while and she was excited to spend time with her friends. They ordered a bottle of champagne and began to enjoy the night.

An hour later.

Jay and his two friends walked into the bar. They greeted Nathan who was behind the bar and he got them some beers. Jay looked around admiring the venue. It was really posh, he'd never been anywhere so nice, he felt so out of place. He was used to a sticky floored, cheap beer bar with sports on 24/7, this was like a different world for him. As his eyes gazed around the room, he then saw the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. It was her from the beach the other day. She looked at him and he looked away, not wanting her to think he was staring at her.

Raquelle felt someone staring at her, she looked over and saw the surfer from the other day. He looked away, she blushed a deep shade of red. He was gorgeous she thought, he wasn't like the upper class la boys she was used too, like the businessmen or producers she had dated in the past. He had a ruggedness to him that intrigued her. She excused herself to get another drink, "could I get a gin and tonic with a slice of lime" she asked. Nathan nodded and got her a glass, she then realised she was standing next to Jay. Their elbows touched, he turned "oh I'm sorry" he said, she smiled and then blushed "no don't worry about it" he said with a smile. Nathan looked at Jay and then gave her a drink "that's four dollars, thirty cents please" he said. Before Raquelle went into her purse. Jay handed over his card "put it on me man" he said. "Thanks man" Nathan said. Raquelle blushed "thankyou" she said "your more than welcome" he smiled and winked at her. She smiled and kissed his cheek before walking back to her table. He smiled and watched her walk away.

Jay and Raquelle kept exchanging glances over the next hour, until Raquelle left to go to another bar with her friends. She smiled at Jay as she walked past her, slightly sad that she didn't get his name. Jay felt the same, he was sad to see her leave as he wanted to know her name. Jay watched her leave, wishing he had spoken to her tonight, has sad that he may have missed his chance.
Jay walked into work on Monday, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about the blonde haired girl. He logged into the computer and went through the appointments for today. He then began working on a car in the garage.

Raquelle got into her car and drove a garage one of her friends recommended. Her car had been making strange noises and she needed to get it seen to. Following Google Maps, ten minutes later,  she pulled into a garage called Jays. She got out the car in her black pencil skirt, boots and white shirt. She walked over to the office with her Burberry bag. She walked to the reception, she pressed the bell a few times. She looked around, she then saw a Labrador in their basket in the corner, she walked over and stroked the dog. He looked up at her enjoying the company. She heard the door open "sorry I'm my own..." he said trailing off when he realised it was the girl from the bar. She looked up and smiled when she realised who it was.

"Hi" he said "hey" she smiled. He coughed "so uh your car is making noises?" he asked reading the clipboard. She stood up and nodded "yeah so it began making noises a few days ago and it's gotten worse" she said. He nodded, getting lost in her eyes, he then came out the trance and tried to stay professional "uhm sorry, uh yeah let's go and have a look" he smiled.

They went out and looked at the car. Jay lifted the bonnet and looked at the engine. Raquelle couldn't help but admire him and check out his arse as he bent over. She bit her lip as she watched him. He turned around and saw her checking him out, she looked away quickly. He smiled and blushed "so it'll probably be a few hours. I just need to assess it and see what's going on" he said. "Oh shit. I need to get to work, I didn't think this through" he said "I can drive you" he said "aren't you on your own today?" she asked "I don't have any timed appointments till later" he smiled. She nodded and blushed. Jay smiled "I'll go and grab my keys and Bruce" he said. Raquelle looked at him confused and then he walked out with the Labrador on the leash. She smiled and they got in Jay's truck..

Raquelle guided him to the office "thanks for the lift" she said. He smiled "no problem, see you later" he smiled. She smiled back, gave Bruce a quick stroke and got out. Jay smiled as he watched her get out, he made his way back to the shop.

Courtney dropped Raquelle off at the garage. Jay smiled as he watched Raquelle walk over to the forecourt. He grabbed the keys, and walked over to her. "All fixed" he smiled and handed her the keys. "Ah amazing thank you so much" she smiled. He smiled "your so welcome. Uh follow me to the reception and we'll get you paid up and on the road" he said, with a smile. She followed him, their hands grazed each other as they walked over, they both blushed. Raquelle paid the tan, Jay looked at her "so uhm, you are way out of my league, ya know your a beautiful business woman. But uhm I feel like us bumping into one another over the last few times and today isn't just a coincidence. What I'm trying to ask is, do you want to go on a date with me?" he asked quickly. She smiled widely "yeah that sounds really nice" she smiled.

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